坪井 弥生 | 獨協医科大学女性医師支援センター 獨協医科大学小児科学
論文 | ランダム
- Study on rhizosphere bacterial community in lowland rice grown with organic fertilizers by using PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
- Soil Solution Ni Concentrations over which Kd is Constant in Japanese Agricultural Soils
- Determination of 3,6-Dinitrobenzo[e]pyrene in Tea Leaves as a Possible Exposure Source and in Human Hair as a Biomarker Using a Two-dimensional HPLC System
- Remediation of Heavy-Metal-Contaminated Soil with Chelating agent and Treatment of Waste Solution
- MS35 : XAFSと回折法を組み合わせた無機物構造解析