Anke Timm | Institute Of Biotechnology And Drug Research
Institute Of Biotechnology And Drug Research | 論文
- Cylindrocyclin A, a New Cytotoxic Cyclopeptide from Cylindrocarpon sp.
- Phomol, a New Antiinflammatory Metabolite from an Endophyte of the Medicinal Plant Erythrina crista-galli
- Oxaspirodion, a New Inhibitor of Inducible TNF-α Expression from the Ascomycete Chaetomium subspirale Production, Isolation and Structure Elucidation
- S14-95, a Novel Inhibitor of the JAK/STAT Pathway from a Penicillium species
- New Bioactive Cyclopentenone Derivatives as Inhibitors of the IL-6 Dependent Signal Transduction