Justine J.-l. | Equipe Biogeographie Marine Tropicale Unite Systematique Adaptation Evolution (cnrs Upmc Mnhn Ird) I
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- Equipe Biogeographie Marine Tropicale Unite Systematique Adaptation Evolution (cnrs Upmc Mnhn Ird) Iの論文著者
Equipe Biogeographie Marine Tropicale Unite Systematique Adaptation Evolution (cnrs Upmc Mnhn Ird) I | 論文
- Sympatric species of Deretrema Linton, 1910 : D. combesae n. sp. and D. combesorum n. sp. (Digenea : Zoogonidae) from the manybar goatfish Parupeneus multifasciatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Perciformes : Mullidae) from New Caledonia
- Ultrastructural study of the spermatozoon of Heterolebes maculosus (Digenea, Opistholebetidae), a parasite of the porcupinefish Diodon hystrix (Pisces, Teleostei)
- Spermatozoon ultrastructure of Aponurus laguncula (Digenea : Lecithasteridae), a parasite of Aluterus monoceros (Pisces : Teleostei)