KATSUYAMA Shigeru | Department of Materials Science and Processing, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
- Katsuyama Shigeruの詳細を見る
- 同名の論文著者
- Department of Materials Science and Processing, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Universityの論文著者
Department of Materials Science and Processing, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Katsuyama Shigeru
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kyoto University:(present Address)department Of Materials
ITO Mikio
Department of Materials Science and Processing, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
勝山 茂
Katsuyama S
Department Of Material Science And Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Ito Mikio
Department Of Materials Science And Processing Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Ito Mikio
Department Of Analytical Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
Nagai Hiroshi
Department of Cardiology, Regeneration Medicine and Bioethics, Gifu University Graduate School of Me
永井 宏
Nagai Hiroshi
Department Of Cardiology Regeneratiion Medicine And Bioethics Gifu University Graduate School Of Med
- Microstructure and Thermoelectric Properties of NaxCo2O4 Synthesized by Spark Plasma Sintering (特集 熱電変換材料)
- Effect of Partical Substitution of 3d Transition Metals for Co on the Thermoelectric Properties of Na_xCo_2O_4
- Preparation of SiC Dispersed Fe_Co_Si_2 by Pressureless Sintering with Cu and Si Addition and Its Thermoelectric Performance
- 液相焼結法によるβ-FeSi_2の作製とその熱電特性
- Effects of Al and Cu Addition on Pressureless Sintering behavior and Phase Transformation of β-FeSi_2
- Effect of Si/C Ratio on thermoelectric Properties of β-FeSi_2 Mechanically Alloyed with (Si+C) Additions
- Thermoelectric Properties of β-FeSi_2 Mechanically Alloyed with Si and C
- Effects of Mechanical Alloying and Copper Addition on Thermoelectric Properties of n-Type and p-Type β-FeSi_2
- Improvement of Magnetic Properties of Mechanically Ground Sm_2Fe_N_x Powders by Vacuum Heat Treatment
- Effect of Milling Atmosphere on the Preparation of Sm_2Fe_N_x Powder by Mechanical Grinding