Yoshikane Takao | Res. Inst. For Global Change Japan Agency For Marine-earth Sci. And Technol.
Res. Inst. For Global Change Japan Agency For Marine-earth Sci. And Technol. | 論文
- A Diagnostic Study on Interactions Between Atmospheric Thermodynamic Structure and Cumulus Convection over the Tropical Western Pacific Ocean and over the Indochina Peninsula(CPEA-Coupling Processes in the Equatorial Atmosphere)
- Genesis mechanism and structure of a supercell tornado in a fine-resolution numerical simulation
- A Numerical Study of Cloud Clusters and a Meso-α-Scale Low Associated with a Meiyu Front
- The Impact of Changing Meteorological Variables to Be Assimilated into GCM on Ozone Simulation with MRI CTM
- Aircraft Observations of Air-Mass Modification Upstream of the Sea of Japan during Cold-Air Outbreaks