Hori E. | Dept. Of Gynec. And Obst. Faculty Of Medicine Kyusyu University
Nakano H.
Dept. Gynec. Obst. Kyushu Univ. Med.
Nakano H.
Dept. Gynec. And Obst. Faculty Of Med. Kyushu Univ.
Nagata H.
Dept. Gynec. Obst. Kyushu Univ. Med.
Nagata H.
Dept. Gynec. Obst. Kyushu. Univ. Med
Hori E.
Dept. of Gynec. and Obst., Faculty of Medicine, Kyusyu University,
Koyanagi T.
Dept. of Gynec. and Obst., Faculty of Medicine, Kyusyu University,
Koyanagi T.
Maternal And Perinatal Care Unit Kyushu Univ. Hosp.
Koyanagi T.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Faculty Of Med. Kyushu Univ.
Hori E.
Dept. Of Gynec. And Obst. Faculty Of Medicine Kyusyu University
Koyanagi T.
Maternity And Perinatal Care Unit Kyushu Univ.
Nakano H.
Dept. Gynec. Obst., Kyushu Univ., Med.
Hara K.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Saga Med. Sch.
Horimoto N.
Dept. Gynec. Obst., Kyushu Univ., Med.
Dept. Gynec. & Obst. Faculty of Med. Kyushu Univ.
Horimoto N.
Dept. Gynec. Obst. Kyushu Univ. Med.
Nagata S.
Dept. Material and Biol. Sci., Fac. Sci., Japan Women's Univ.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Tokai Univ. Sch. Med.
Satoh S.
Dept. of Gyn
Satoh S.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Sapporo Medical College
Nagata S.
Dept. Biochem. Tokyo Metropol. Inst. Gerontol.
Nagata S.
Dept. Gynec. & Obst. Faculty Of Med. Kyushu Univ.
Dept. Mater. Sci. & Engng., Kyoto Univ.
Yoshizato T.
Dept. Gynec. Obst., Kyushu Univ., Med.
Yoshizato T.
Dept. Gynec. Obst. Kyushu Univ. Med.
Shimokawa H.
Dept. Gynec. Obst. Kyushu. Univ. Med
- 72 A 19-year review of the effects of advances in perinatal management on the outcome of malformed fetuses.
- 531. Clarification of the Regulatory Mechanism of Hemodynamics in the Human Fetus
- 526. The Relation between Mouthing Movement and REM/NREM with Advance in Gestational Age in the Human Fetus
- 76. Developmental Relation between Eye Movement and Urination in the Human Fetus
- 236. Analysis of Blood Velocity Wave Form in the Umbilical Artery by Pulse Doppler Method
- 214. Functional Development of the Fetal Central Nervous System Regulating the Heart Rate Changes