Aihara H. | Lab. Cell & Dev. Biol. Grad. Sch. Biosci. & Biotech. Tokyo Inst. Tech.
Kishimoto T.
Lab. of Cell and Developmental Biology, Fac. of Biological Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Ohsumi K.
Lab. Cell & Dev. Biol. Grad. Sch. Biosci. & Biotech. Tokyo Inst. Tech.
Aihara H.
Lab. Cell & Dev. Biol. Grad. Sch. Biosci. & Biotech. Tokyo Inst. Tech.
Kishimoto T.
Lab. Cell & Dev. Biol., Grad. Sch. Biosci. & Biotech., Tokyo Inst. Tech.:CREST, JST.
Gotoh T.
Lab. Cell & Dev. Biol., Grad. Sch. Biosci. & Biotech., Tokyo Inst. Tech.
Iwabuchi M.
CREST of Sci. & Tech. Corporation
Iwabuchi M.
Crest Of Sci. & Tech. Corporation
- TRANSITION OF LINKER-HISTONE H1 SUBTYPES DURING Xenopus EMBRYOGENESIS(Developmental Biology)Proceedings of the Seventy-First Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- ANALYSIS OF HISTONE H1-BINDING PROTEINS OF XENOPUS EGGS(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)