Novak Roman | Jozef Stefan Institute
Jozef Stefan Institute | 論文
- 27p-M-7 Ferromagnetism in a cobaltocene-doped fullerene derivative below 19K due to unpaired spins only on fullerene molecules.
- 23aWP-9 斜方晶FeTe_2O_5Brの温度磁場相図と強磁場ESR測定(新物質,スピングラス,その他),領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))
- 27pHE-8 マルチフェロイックFeTe_2O_5Brの温度磁場相図の再検討(27pHE フラストレーション系(三角格子・マルチフェロイクス),領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))
- Rattler Site Selectivity and Covalency Effects in Type-I Clathrates
- Individual Variability in the Core Interthreshold Zone as Related to Body Physique, Somatotype, and Physical Constitution