Ueno Yuji | Mizusawa Vlbi Observatory National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Mizusawa Vlbi Observatory National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan | 論文
- Japanese VLBI Network Mapping of SiO v = 3 J = 1-0 Maser Emission in W Hydrae
- Unified Rotation Curve of the Galaxy : Decomposition into de Vaucouleurs Bulge, Disk, Dark Halo, and the 9-kpc Rotation Dip
- Timing Observation of the Millisecond Pulsar PSR 1937 + 21 Using the Kashima 34 m-Antenna
- H_2O Maser Outflow from the Red Supergiant Star NML Cygni Observed with Japanese VLBI Network
- Japanese VLBI Network Observations of Radio-Loud Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies