Urita Yashuhisa | Department Of Pediatric Surgery Graduate School Of Comprehensive Human Sciences And University Hospi
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- Department Of Pediatric Surgery Graduate School Of Comprehensive Human Sciences And University Hospiの論文著者
Department Of Pediatric Surgery Graduate School Of Comprehensive Human Sciences And University Hospi | 論文
- Laparoscopic gastropexy for chronic gastric volvulus complicated by pathologic aerophagia in a boy
- Rare association of severe hypoplasia of the abdominal aorta with imperforate anus, colonic atresia, and choledochal cyst
- A new technique for treatment of tracheal compression by the innominate artery : external reinforcement with autologous cartilage graft and muscle flap suspension
- リンパ節転移・胸膜播種をともなった縦隔・後腹膜神経節腫の1例
- 48.I-123-MIBG陽性となったganglioneuromaの1例(一般演題,第44回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)