Yamaguchi Tetsu | Kagoshima City Medical Association Hospital
Yamaguchi Tetsu
Division Of Cardiology Showa University Fujigaoka Rehabilitation Hospital
Toranomon Hospital
Mitsui M
Department Of Pediatrics And Child Health Nihon University School Of Medicine
Matsubara Mitsunobu
Department Of Medicine And Clinical Science Yamaguchi University Graduate School Of Medicine
Miyahara Mitsuo
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine Sapporo Medical College
DAIDA Hiroyuki
Department of Cardiology, Juntendo University School of Medicine
Yamagishi Masakazu
Sumitomo Hospital
Torii Hiroyuki
Kagoshima city medical association hospital
Hiro Takafumi
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Medicine Nihon University School Of Medicine
Daida Hiroyuki
Department Of Cardiology
- Diabetes Mellitus Is a Major Negative Determinant of Coronary Plaque Regression During Statin Therapy in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome : Serial Intravascular Ultrasound Observations From the Japan Assessment of Pitavastatin and Atorvastatin in Acu
- Effect of Rosuvastatin on Coronary Atheroma in Stable Coronary Artery Disease : Multicenter Coronary Atherosclerosis Study Measuring Effects of Rosuvastatin Using Intravascular Ultrasound in Japanese Subjects (COSMOS)
- PJ-376 Effect of Waon Therapy on Oxidative Stress in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure(PJ063,Heart Failure (Treatment) 1 (M),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- 6 Results of Coronary Atherosclerosis Study Measuring Effects of Rosuvastatin Using Intravascular Ultrasound in Japanese Subjects (COSMOS)(Late Breaking Clinical Trials II,The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- Beneficial effects of Waon therapy on patients with chronic heart failure : Results of a prospective multicenter study
- 2 Japan Assessment of Pitavastatin and Atorvastatin in Acute Coronary Syndrome (Japan-ACS)(Late Breaking Clinical Trials I,Special Program,The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Rationale and Design for a Study Using Intravascular Ultrasound to Evaluate Effects of Rosuvastatin on Coronary Artery Atheroma in Japanese Subjects : COSMOS Study (Coronary Atherosclerosis Study Measuring Effects of Rosuvastatin Using Intravascular Ultra
- Elevation of plasma levels of soluble fibrin monomer complex is recognized in young patients with myocardial infarction
- Hyperhomocysteinemia and Hemostatic Parameters as a Risk Factor for Myocardial Infarction at a Young Age
- Brachial Artery Diameter Decreases Due to Improvement in Plasma Brain Natriuretic Peptide Concentrations After Pacemaker Implantation for Symptomatic Bradycardia (Neurohumoral Factors 4 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation S