Kitai H. | Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Social Insurance Saitama Central Hospital.
Kitai H.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Social Insurance Saitama Central Hospital.
Nishino R.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Social Insurance Saitama Central Hospital.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Sch. Med., Keio Univ.
Dept. of Perinato-Gynec., Kagawa Med. Sch.
Aoki J.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Social Insurance Saitama Central Hospital.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Nara Med. Univ.
Yamazaki H.
Dept. of Cardiovascular Res., The Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. Med. Sci.
Kitai H.
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Keio University School Of Medicine
Hasegawa K.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Hyogo Medical Center For Adults.
Kamei K.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Social Insurance Saitama Central Hospital.
Kamei K.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hosp.
Kamei K.
Dept. Obst & Gynec. The Saitama National Hosp.
Suda Y.
Depertment Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Social Insurance Saitama Chuoh Hospital
Watanabe T.
Depertment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Social Insurance Saitama chuoh Hospital,
Itoh K.
Depertment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Social Insurance Saitama chuoh Hospital,
NIshino R.
Depertment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Social Insurance Saitama chuoh Hospital,
Aoki J.
Depertment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Social Insurance Saitama chuoh Hospital,
Kaneko Y.
Depertment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Social Insurance Saitama chuoh Hospital,
Dept. Obst & Gynec., Iwate Med. Univ.
- 417 Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary in a 14 year old girl.
- 466 Ultrastructural changes of ova during degeneration.
- 88. C1-inhibitor Activity in Normal Pregnancy and Preeclampsia