岩崎 克則 | 九州大学数理学研究院
- On the Markoff-Painleve transcendent (複素力学系とその関連分野の総合的研究)
- Monodromy of Painleve 6 equation around classical special solutions (微分方程式のモノドロミーをめぐる諸問題--RIMS共同研究報告集)
- Inverse Bifurcation Problem in Mathematical Ecology and Related Wiener-Hopf Equations (Qualitative theory of functional equations and its application to mathematical science)
- Witten Laplacian and Twisted de Rham Cohomology (Integral representations and twisted cohomology in the theory of differential equations)
- Gevrey Cohomology Groups for Confluent Hypergeometric Systems (Complex Analysis and Microlocal Analysis)
- Inverse Bifurcation Problem and Multiplicative Wiener-Hopf Equation (Methods and Applications for Functional Equations)