山田 晃 | 東京農工大学生物システム応用科学府
山田 晃
山田 晃
Yamada Akira
Frontier Research Program The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
山田 晃
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Yamada Akira
Department Of Cardiology Aso-iizuka Hospital
Departments of Immunology, Kurume University School of Medicine
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Yamada Akira
Biological Ict Group National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology
山田 明
Takahashi K
Department Of Physical Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Department of Medicine, National Minami-Okayama Hospital
Takahashi Kiyoshi
Department Of Internal Medicine Ii Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry
Konagai M
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Ohtsuka Tomohiko
Department Of Physical Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Takahashi K
National Inst. Res. In Inorganic Materials Ibaraki Jpn
金 正順
Quantum Nanoelectronics Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology
ABE Katsuya
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Fons P
Optoelectronic Materials And Devices Group Photonics Research Institute National Institute Of Advanc
Abe K
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Central Research Institute
Abe Katsuya
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kogakuin University
YAMADA Akimasa
Electrotechnical Laboratory
清水 洋
Hosoda Masahiro
Frontier Research Program The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken):(present Address)
Research Center for Quantum Effect Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
清水 洋
Miyamoto A
New Ind. Creation Hatchery Center Tohoku Univ.
Miura N
Department Of Materials Science And Technology Graduate School Of Engineering Sciences Kyushu Univer
Research Center for Quantum Effect Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Wenas Wilson
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
SASABE Hiroyuki
Frontier Research Program, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research(RIKEN)
NIKI Shigeru
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Hosoda M
Department Of Materials Science And Technology Faculty Of Engineering Gifu University
Kumagai M
National Research Institute For Metals
Kawasaki M
Institute For Materials Research (imr) Tohoku University
Endou Akira
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Kubo Momoji
Department Of Molecular Chemistry And Engineering Tohoku University
Kubo Momoji
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
Endou Akira
Dep. Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku Univ.
Takeuchi K
Riken (the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research)
MAKITA Yunosuke
Electrotechnical Laboratory
山田 晃
小川 眞広
地挽 隆夫
YAGI Shuhei
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
AMIN Nowshad
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
山田 晃
Sang Baosheng
Department of Electrical & Electric Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Takaba Hiromitsu
Department of Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
牧田 敬介
小笠原 正文
Maki Yoshio
Biological Ict Group National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology
Yoshio Maki
Kobayashi K
Dep. Of Electronic Sci. And Engineering Kyoto Univ. Katsura Nishikyo Kyoto 615-8510 Japaninnovative
西田 進
Yoshio Maki
Biological Ict Group National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology
Shibata H
Toshiba Corp. Yokohama Jpn
Oiwa K
Himeji Inst. Tech. Hyogo Jpn
Oiwa Kazuhiro
Department Of Life Science Graduate School Of Science University Of Hyogo:kansai Advenced Research C
Sato K
Depertment Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Takaba Hiromitsu
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
Yagi S
Department Of Physical Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Oiwa Kazuhiro
Biological Ict Group National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology
Matsubara Kazuo
Kobelco Research Institute Inc.
JIA Ying
School of Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Electrotechnical Laboratory
鹿島 彩子
矢野 智嗣
吉田 哲也
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
小川 眞広
小川 眞広
東京農工大学 生物システム応用科学府
西村 一郎
東京電機大学 工学部 機械工学科
Department of Bioengineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Bioengineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kataoka T
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Yokohama Jpn
Kataoka Takao
Dairiki Koji
Department of Electrical & Electric Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Yamada Atsushi
Department of Cardiology, Juntendo University School of Medicine
Wada T
Department Of Materials Chemistry Ryukoku University
井上 幸一
Hamada S
Department Of Bioengineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Dairiki Koji
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Oizumi H
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Department of Electronics and Information Science, Teikyo University of Science and Technology
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
OHTAKE Yasutoshi
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Wada Tomohisa
ULSI Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Hamada Shin-ichi
Department Of Bioengineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.
堀 晋一郎
Kudo T
Inst. Physical And Chemical Res. (riken) Saitama Jpn
Yagi Shuhei
Department Of Physical Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Aoki K
Texas Instruments Japan Ltd. Ibaraki Jpn
Shibata Hajime
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Okamoto Kazuya
Central Research Laboratory Nikon Corporation
Sato K
National Institute For Fusion Science
MISU Koichiro
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
NIKI Shigeru
Optoelectronics Division, Electrotechnical Laboratory
YAMADA Akimasa
Optoelectronics Division, Electrotechnical Laboratory
Optoelectronics Division, Electrotechnical Laboratory
後藤 康之
岸谷 康
Tsutsui Yasutaka
Department Of Life Science Graduate School Of Science University Of Hyogo
Yamada Akira
Kansai Advenced Research Center
川本 幸一郎
山田 晃
吉田 満
吉田 満
Magae Junji
Radiation Safety Research Center, Central Institute of Electric Power Industry
Tokyo University of Technology
小川 眞広
小笠原 正文
三宅 達也
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
MURANO Masahiko
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Course of Electrical Engineering, Tokai University
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokai University
OHTSUKA Tomohiko
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
YAGI Syuhei
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Electrical Engineering Department, Center for Research and Advanced Studies
Electrical Engineering Department, Center for Research and Advanced Studies
Electrical Engineering Department, Center for Research and Advanced Studies
Electrical Engineering Department, Center for Research and Advanced Studies
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Matsuyama University
Department of Bioengineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
SUZUKI Hidefumi
Department of Bioengineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Magae J
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Yokohama Jpn
Magae Junji
京都府立医科大学 麻酔学
Magae Junji
Dep. Of Biotechnology Inst. Of Res. And Innovation
Magae Junji
Radiation Safety Research Center Central Institute Of Electric Power Industry
Magae J
Inst. Res. And Innovation Kashiwa Jpn
Maruyama Seitaro
First Department Of Internal Medicine Niigata University School Of Medicine
Lee Jong-soo
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Institute For Nano Science Korea University
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
TANIGAWA Shoichiro
Institute of Materials Science, The University of Tsukuba
地挽 隆夫
NAKANO Yoshiaki
Department of Surgery, NTT West Osaka Hospital
Lee J‐s
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Institute For Nano Science Korea University
田村 美希
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciece, Konan University
Little Thomas
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering University Of Washington
Isaka Takayuki
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Sato K
Asahi Glass Co. Ltd. Yokohama Jpn
Lacroix Yves
Optoelectronics Division Electrotechnical Laboratory
WEI Long
Institute of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba
Department of Metallurgy and Ceramics Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Oyanagi Hiroyuki
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Oiwa Kazuhiro
Biological Ict Grp Kobe Adv Ict Res Ctr Nict
Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
中山 博之
Abe Tomohiko
Fujitsu Limited
Saito K
Department Of Materials Technology Chiba University
Nittono Osamu
Department Od Metallurgical Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Sato K
Faculty Of Applied Biological Science Hiroshima University
Zhao Y
Nankai Univ. Tianjin Chn
Zhao Ying
Department Of Cardiology Anzhen Hospital Capital Medical University
Wei Long
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba
Department of Pathology, Kansai Medical University
KUDO Kazuhiro
Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University
TANAKA Kuniaki
Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Wadaka Shusou
Information Technology R & D Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Wadaka Shusou
Information Technology R&d Center Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
猿田 倫之
春田 航
伊東 正安
矢野 智嗣
田渕 周作
井上 涼子
TANABE Tetsuhiro
Optical Device Research and Development Division, Rohm Company Limited
Yoshio Maki
Kansai Advenced Research Center
Tsutsui Yasutaka
Dept. Life Sci., Himeji Inst. Tech.
Maki Yoshio
Dept. Life Sci., Himeji Inst. Tech.
Oiwa Kazuhiro
Dept. Life Sci., Himeji Inst. Tech.
高田 祥伍
李 海悦
和田 理生
西村 一郎
内田 充高
八頭司 庸介
- 超音波血流映像からの肝硬変病変の特徴抽出(医用超音波,アコースティックイメージング,一般)
- Growth of Strain-Relaxed Si_C_y Films with Compositionally Graded Buffer Layers by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Chemical-Bath-Deposited ZnO and Mg(OH)2 Buffer Layer for Cu(InGa)Se2 Solar Cells
- Novel In(OH)_3:Zn^ Buffer Layer for Cu(InGa)Se_2 Based Solar Cells
- Effect of ZnTe and CdZnTe Alloys at the Back Contact of 1-μm-Thick CdTe Thin Film Solar Cells
- Phosphorous Doping of Strain-Induced Si_C_y Epitaxial Films Grown by Low-Temperature Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Preferred Orientation Control of Cu(In_Ga_x)Se_2 (x≈0.28) Thin Films and Its Influence on Solar Cell Characteristics
- Effect of CdCl_2 Treatment Conditions and Stoichiometry on The Deep Level, Carrier Lifetime and Converstion Efficiency of CdTe Thin Film Solar Cells
- P-Doping into Strain-Induced Si_C_y Epitaxial Films Grown by Low Temperature Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Epitaxial Growth of Si_C_y Film by Low Temperature Chemical vapor Deposition
- Formation of pn Homojunction in Cu(InGa)Se_2 Thin Film Solar Cells by Zn Doping
- Amorphous-to-Polycrystalline Silicon Transition in Hot Wire Cell Method
- Improvement of the Electrochemical Profiling Technique of Carrier Concentration in Cu(InGa)Se_2 Thin Film Solar Cells
- High-Efficiency Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells with ZnO as Front Contact
- Improvement of Stabilized Efficiency of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cell by SiH_2Cl_2 Addition
- US2010-17 超音波B-Flow血流映像からの肝硬変疾患の特徴量抽出(医用超音波,アコースティックイメージング,一般)
- Characterization of Highly Efficient CdTe Thin Film Solar Cells by the Capacitance-Voltage Profiling Technique
- Improvement in Performances of ZnO : B/i-ZnO/Cu(InGa)Se_2 Solar Cells by Surface Treatments for Cu(InGa)Se_2
- Electrical and Structural Characterizations of Cu(InGa)Se_2 Thin Films Using Electrochemical Capacitance-Voltage Method and Focused-Ion Beam Process
- Cu(InGa)Se_2 Thin-film Solar Cells with High Resistivity ZnO Buffer Layers Deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition
- Prospects of Thickness Reduction of the CdTe Layer in Highly Efficient CdTe Solar Cells Towards 1 μm
- Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Characterization of Layered In_2Se_3 Films Grown on Slightly Misoriented (001)GaAs Substrates
- Heteroepitaxy and Multiquantum Well Structure of Layered Compound GaSe/GaS_xSe_ on (001) GaAs Substrate
- Characterization of Highly Efficient CdTe Thin Film Solar Cells by Low-Temperature Photoluminescence
- PB41 音響パルス反射法による地下円筒空洞の輪郭推定法(ポスターセッションB)
- Native Defect Control of CdTe Thin Film Solar Cells by Close-Spaced Sublimation
- Deposition of Ge_C_x Alloy on Si by Combined Low-Energy Ion Beam and Molecular Beam Epitaxial Method
- Epitaxial Growth of AgGaSe_2 for Mid-Infrared Frequency Doubling Applications
- Translational Phase Domains in the Cation Sublattice of Chalcopyrite Compounds
- 音波CT法による樹木断面音速の映像化 : 年輪による音速異方性の影響評価(一般/アコースティックイメージング)
- 音波CT法による樹木断面音速映像の性能評価(音響・超音波サブソサイエティ合同研究会)
- P3-42 音波CT法による樹木断面音速分布の映像化(ポスターセッション3(概要講演))
- 少数の送受信素子で構成した頸動脈診断用超音波反射率CT
- 照射角制限性能の高い透過型超音波逆散乱CT (特集 目覚ましい医用超音波技術の進展)
- 内部エコーによる診断情報の抽出(アコースティックイメージング・一般)
- リニアアレイ超音波逆散乱CTの実環境シミュレーション評価
- P3-J-55 照射角制限性能の高い透過型超音波逆散乱CT(医用超音波,ポスターセッション3(概要講演))
- 照射角に制限のある超音波逆散乱CT(アコースティックイメージ)
- 共役勾配法を用いた送受信器の数が制限された条件下での超音波反射率CT
- 反射透過型超音波CT装置の小型化
- Q&Aコーナー(コーヒーブレーク)
- P3-21 疎アレイ準3次元超音波逆散乱CT(ポスターセッション3,ポスター発表)
- P3-20 円弧上アレイエレメントを用いた反射透過型逆散乱CT(ポスターセッション3,ポスター発表)
- 疎アレイセンサを用いた準3次元超音波逆散乱CT
- 円弧上観測型超音波減衰率CTの再現性能向上
- 脳内超音波CTのための逆散乱画像再構成法
- レーザドップラ振動計を用いたCT計測
- 2P-18 符号変調音波の多チャンネル送受信による渦風速場のトモグラフィ計測(ポスターセッション)
- 1Pb-18 超音波相関法による開水路流量計測の評価実験(ポスターセッション)
- TWITCHIN OF STRIATED ADDUCTOR MUSCLES OF BIVALVES REGULATES 'CATCH' INTERACTION BETWEEN ACTIN AND MYOSIN FILAMENTS(Cell Biology and Morphology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- IN VITRO RECONSTITUTION OF THE CATCH STATE USING MYOFILAMENTS FROM BIVALVE OBLIQUELY STRIATED MUSCLE(Cell Biology and Morphology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 2P2-11 符号変調波を用いた並列同時送受信風速トモグラフィ(ポスターセッション)
- 1P2-17 超音波トモグラフィ法による内臓脂肪面積測定の精度検証(ポスターセッション)
- 1P2-13 相関法を用いた排水管用超音波流量計測(ポスターセッション)
- 3P2b-3 直角四方向観測型超音波逆散乱トモグラフィ(ポスターセッション)
- 3P2b-2 超音波CT法による内臓脂肪測定のファントム評価実験(ポスターセッション)
- 3-03-04 超音波トモグラフィによる内臓脂肪測定の性能評価(波動伝搬・可視化技術)
- 2-03P-18 音波トモグラフィによる渦の風速場の時空間変動の映像化(ポスターセッション 2)
- P3-41 前方及び後方散乱波を同時に用いた超音波逆散乱CT法(ポスターセッション3(概要講演))
- P1-25 高推力超音波リニアモータの開発に向けたボルト締め複合振動子の振動モード解析(ポスターセッション1(概要講演))
- B-19 デコンボリューション処理を用いた高感度・高分解能な超音波パルスエコー計測法(ポスターセッション)
- Twin Formation in Cu-Ga-Se Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy under Ga-Excess Conditions (Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds ICTMC-12)
- Photoluminescence Studies and Solar-Cell Application of CuInSe_2 Thin Films Prepared using Selenization Techniques
- Study of CuInSe_2 Formation Kinetics in the Selenization Process by Raman Spectroscopy
- Observation of Exciton-Polariton Emissions from a ZnO Epitaxial Film on the a-Face of Sapphire Grown by Radical-Source Molecular-Beam-Epitaxy : Optical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Growth of Undoped ZnO Films with Improved Electrical Properties by Radical Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Electron Probe Microanalysis of Second Phases via Acceleration Voltage Dependence
- Developmemt of High-Efficiency CuIn_xGa_Se_2 Thin-Film Solar Cells by Selenization with Elemental Se Vapor in Vacuum
- Heteroepitaxy of Layered Compound InSe and InSe/GaSe onto GaAs Substrates
- Highly Stable ZnO Thin Films by Atomic Layer Deposition
- Textured ZnO Thin Films for Solar Cells Grown by a Two-step Process with the Atomic Layer Deposition Technique
- Polycrystalline Cu(InGa)Se_2 Thin-Film Solar Cells with ZnSe Buffer Layers
- Immunosuppressive Effects of Gallic Acid and Chebulagic Acid on CTL-Mediated Cytotoxicity
- Identification of Low Molecular Weight Probes on Perforin- and Fas-based Killing Mediated by Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes
- Epitaxial Growth of GaSe Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on GaAs(111), (001) and (112) Substrates
- Photoinduced Oxidation of Epitaxial Ga_2Se_3 Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Defect Evaluation of Heavily P-Doped Si Epitaxial Films Grown at Low Temperature
- Control of the Arrangement of the Native Gallium Vacancies in Ga_2Se_3 on (100)GaAs by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Formation of ZnGa_2Se_4 Epitaxial Layer during Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of Ga_2Se_3 on ZnSe
- Raman Study of Epitaxial Ga_2 Se_3 Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Optical Anisotropy of Vacancy-Ordered Ga_2Se_3 Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- 自動分析装置用圧電バイモルフ撹拌子の開発
- Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of ZnO Using D_2O as Oxidant
- Optimization of ZnO Films for Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells
- Large-Area ZnO Thin Films for Solar Cells Prepared by Photo-Induced Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Mobility Enhancement of Textured ZnO Films by Ultraviolet Light Irradiation
- Textured ZnO Thin Films for Solar Cells Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- 超音波パルスエコ-信号に含まれる電気音響変換ひずみ除去信号処理
- Heavily P-Doped (>10^ cm) Silicon Films Grown by Photochemical Vapor Deposition at a Very Low Temperature of 250℃
- Photochemical Vapor Deposition of Si/Si_Ge_x Strained Layer Superlattices at 250℃ : Silicon Heterostructures(Solid State Devices and Materials 1)
- Epitaxial Growth of Silicon by Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition at a Very Low Temperature of 250℃
- Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Study of Hydrogen Molecule Inside Silicon Crystal
- Tight-binding Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Desorbed SiO Molecule during the Oxidation of Si(111) Surface
- Quantum Chemical Study on the Interaction of NF3 with Si
- Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Desorbed SiO Molecule during the Oxidation of Si(111) Surface
- ア***ロープを用いた組織超音波CTの評価実験
- 医療用ア***ローブを用いた超音波定量CT計測
- 1P269 Single binding unit of the 'catch' reconstituted in vitro with myosin and twitchin purified from bivalve adductor muscle(9. Molecular motor (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 生体音速の逆散乱定量CT画像計測 : 高精度化並びにその性能評価 (医用超音波)
- 超音波回折トモグラフィ法による3次元温度分布計測に関する検討
- 超音波回折トモグラフィ法による3次元温度分布計測に関する基礎的検討
- Correlation Between Bulk Orderings and Anchoring Structures of Liquid Crystals Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Phases and Third-Order Optical Nonlinearities in Tetravalent Metallophthalocyanine Thin Films
- Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties in Soluble Phthalocyanines with Tert-Butyl Substituents
- Two Types of Anchoring Structure in Smectic Liquid Crystal Molecules
- Epitaxial Growth of Organic Thin Films by Organic Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Characterization of Undoped, N- and P-Type Hydrogenated Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide Films Deposited by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition at Low Temperatures
- Preparation of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Carbon Nitride Films by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Hexamethyldisilazane for Silicon Solar Cell Applications
- Fabrication of Microcrystalline Cubic Silicon Carbide/Crystalline Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cell by Hot Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Preparation of Nanocrystalline Silicon in Amorphous Silicon Carbide Matrix
- Low-Temperature Deposition of Highly Conductive n-Type Hydrogenated Nanocrystalline Cubic SiC Films for Solar Cell Applications
- TiO_2-Coated Transparent Conductive Oxide (SnO_2:F) Films Prepared by Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition with High Durability against Atomic Hydrogen
- Intrinsic Microcrystalline Silicon Thin Films Prepared by Hot-Wire Cell Method and Their Application to Solar Cells
- Properties of Hydrogenated Microcrystalline Cubic Silicon Carbide Films Deposited by Hot Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition at a Low Substrate Temperature
- Microcrystalline Silicon Films and Solar Cells Prepared by Photochemical Vapor Deposition on Textured SnO_2 with High Haze Factors
- Repetitive One-Tenth Micron Pattern Fabrication Using An EB Block Exposure System
- Electron Beam Block Exposure System for 256 M Dynamic Random Access Memory Lithography
- 'NOWEL-2' Variable-Shaped Electron Beam Lithography System for 0.1 μm Patterns with Refocusing and Eddy Current Compensation
- Electron Beam Block Exposure
- 多周波の反射透過型観測データに基づいた超音波逆散乱画像再構成(超音波医用論文)
- P1-47 観測角に制限のある多周波の反射透過型観測データに基づいた逆散乱画像再構成(ポスターセッション1,ポスター発表)
- 多周波数の反射透過型観測データに基づいた逆散乱画像再構成
- RK18 観測角に制限のある送受信分離角固定型反射透過観測データに基づいた逆散乱画像再構成(ポスターセッションIII)
- 観測角に制限のある反射透過型観測データに基づいた逆散乱画像再構成
- 送受信分離角を固定した反射透過型観測データに基づいた逆錯乱画像再構成
- PG-10 鏡像の原理に基づいた反射透過型逆散乱画像再構成
- 半周囲上の反射透過型の観測データに基づいた逆散乱画像再構成
- 半周囲上の反射透過型の観測データに基づいた逆散乱画像再構成
- High Deposition Rate of Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films Prepared by Hot Wire Cell Method
- Preparation and Piezoelectric Property of Lead Titanate Thin Films for GHz-Band Resonators
- High Quality Aluminum Oxide Passivation Layer for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Deposited by Parallel-Plate Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Structural Analysis of Side and SiGeC Alloys by Ab Initio Total-Energy Calculations
- Structural Analysis of SiGeC Alloys by ab initio Total-Energy Calculations
- Fabrication of Sub-Micron Gap Structures using Directly-Deposited Amorphous Carbon Wires
- Development of Polycrystalline Culn_xGa_Se_2 Thin-Film Solar Cells with Band Gap of 1.3 to 1.5 eV
- Progress in the Efficiency of Wide-Gap Cu(In_Ga_x)Se_2 Solar Cells Using CIGSe Layers Grown in Water Vapor
- Growth Mechanism during Silicon Epitaxy by Photochemical Vapor Deposition at Low Temperatures
- Characterization of Hydrogen in Epitaxial Silicon Films Grown at Very Low Temperatures
- P3-25 体内音速映像のための低周波透過ビーム計算機トモグラフィ(ポスターセッション3(概要講演))
- 透過ビームモデルに基づいた組織音速CT(アコースティックイメージング・一般)
- The Initial Growth Stage of the InAs Quantum Well Structures on Variously Oriented GaAs Substrates
- 異方性基板上に近接配置された複数の弾性表面波Δυ/υガイド間の結合特性の解析
- 異方性基板における複素の横方向波数をもつ弾性表面波の諸性質と分類
- 異方性基板における弾性表面波Δυ/υガイドの近似解析
- 異方性基板上の導体被覆境界における弾性表面波の反射,透過
- 異方性圧電基板におけるΔυ/υ弾性表面波ガイドの精密解析法
- Sharp Optical Emission from CuInSe_2 Thin Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth and Properties of CuInSe_2
- Analysis of H_2-Dilution Effects on Photochemical Vapor Deposition of Si Thin Films
- 動脈動画像のための超音波反射率CT
- PA3 後方伝搬リトフ近似による弱散乱音場解析(ポスターセッション2)
- Preparation of Sr(Zr, Ti)O_3 Ceramics and Their Dielectric Properties at Microwave Frequencies
- The Effect of Mn Addition on Dielectric Properties and Microstructure of BaO-Nd_2O_3-TiO_2 Ceramics : Dielectric Properties
- びまん性肝疾患診断のためのB-Flow血流抽出処理 (超音波)
- Room Temperature Operation of Amorphous Carbon-Based Single-Electron Transistors Fabricated by Beam-Induced Deposition Techniques
- Single-Electron Tunneling through Amorphous Carbon Dots Array
- Sub-Micron Tungsten Carbide/Amorphous Carbon Stacked Diode Fabricated by Ion- and Electron-Beam-Induced Deposition Technique
- Fabrication of Sub-Micron Tungsten Carbide (WCx)/Amorphous Carbon (a-C) Stacked Junction By Beam-Induced Reaction Processes
- Anomalous Electrical Characteristics of Epitaxial InN Films Having a High Electron Comcentratiorn at Very Low Temperature
- Application of Carbonaceous Material for Fabrication of Nano-Wires with a Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Design and Fabrication of Monolithically Integrated Lateral-Electrode Etched-Mirror Laser with Y-Branch Single-Mode Waveguide in GaAs/AlGaAs
- Characterization of P- and N-Type Impurity Diffusions in GaAs from Doped Silica Films
- Piezoelectric Properties of La-Doped PbTiO_3 Films for RF Resonators
- 耳介を設けた頭部モデル音源方位センサ
- 頭部モデルに基づいた音源方位センサ
- 1PA-7 SWF法による複合材料の欠陥検出(基礎・計測,ポスターセッション(概要講演))
- Characterization of cuInSe_2 thin Films by Photoluminescence Measurements
- レーザドップラ計測法による水中非線形収束音場測定(アコースティックイメージ)
- レーザドップラ振動計を用いた非線形収束音場計測
- Inverse Scattering Image Reconstruction from Reflection and Transmission Data Obtained Using the Mirror Image Theory
- 頭部モデルに基づいた音源定位センサ
- Characterization of Hydrogen in Epitaxial Si Films Grown at Very Low Temperature
- レーザドップラ振動計を用いたガウスビーム収束音場計測
- レーザドップラ振動計を用いたMHz帯水中音場計測
- 音響マイグレーション法による地下媒質中の音源探査
- 不均質地下媒質中の音源探査 -時間領域差分法を用いた数値シミュレーション-
- P1-48 頚動脈画像診断のための超音波反射率CT装置の性能評価(ポスターセッション1,ポスター発表)
- 疎アレイ準3次元超音波逆散乱CT
- 逆散乱CTのための組織散乱音場の数値差分解析
- レーザドップラ振動計を用いた水中音場計測法の性能評価試験
- PB6 超音波回折トモグラフィーの画像品質の評価実験(ポスターセッションB)
- Amorphous-Silicon Solar Cells Prepared by a Combined Photoehemical-Plasma CVD Technique
- 超音波による生体組織の粘弾性計測
- Ab Initio Study for Si-H Bond Vibration on the Surface of Silicon Vacancy
- 超音波回折トモグラフィーの画像誤差軽減法の検討
- びまん性肝疾患診断のためのB-Flow血流抽出処理(医用超音波,アコースティックイメージング,一般)
- 頚動脈画像診断のための超音波反射率CT
- 修正線形化逆散乱解析による音速と減衰の組織定量CT
- 線形化逆散乱問題における弱散乱近似誤差の一補償法 : 音速画像と減衰画像の両立
- 平滑化処理による回折トモグラフィ減衰率画像の画質改善
- 逆散乱法による生体組織音響特徴量の画像化
- PJ7 回折トモグラフィ法による生体の減衰率分布の画像化(ポスターセッション2)
- 回折トモグラフィ法による生体の減衰率分布の画像化
- 2Pa2-10 平行アレイ間符号変調音波送受信による渦風速場のトモグラフィ計測(ポスターセッション)
- 2Pa2-3 横方向エコー観測に基づいた超音波開水路流速計測(ポスターセッション)
- 2Pa5-9 音波トモグラフィ内蔵脂肪検査のための体表密着走査機構の検討(ポスターセッション)
- RK04 円周上のデータ観測による透過型超音波逆散乱CT(ポスターセッションIII)
- 円周上のデータ観測による透過型超音波逆散乱CT
- 超音波回折トモグラフィ法による定量CT画像の性能評価
- 超音波回折トモグラフィ法による定量CT画像の評価実験