Yoshimura Koji | Department Of Urology Public Toyooka Hospital
Yoshimura Koji
Department Of Urology Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kakehi Yoshiyuki
Department Of Urology Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Yoshimura Koji
Department Of Urology Cancer Institute Hospital
Departments of Urology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Ao Teruaki
Department Of Urology Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Terai Akito
Department Of Urology Kurashiki Central Hospital Urology
Terai Akito
Department Of Urology Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Arai Y
Department Of Urology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Department of Urology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Arai Yoichi
Department Of Urology Graduate School Of Medicine Tohoku University
- Night-time frequency, sleep disturbance and general health-related quality of life : Is there a relation?
- Retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy for polycystic kidney disease
- Solitary upper ureteral malakoplakia successfully diagnosed by ureteroscopic biopsy and treated conservatively
- Health-related quality of life in Japanese men with localized prostate cancer : Assessment with the SF-8
- Clinical outcome of tubeless cutaneous ureterostomy by the Toyoda method
- Impact of hormonal therapy prior to radical prostatectomy on the recovery of quality of life
- Diagnostic potential in bladder cancer of a panel of tumor markers (calreticulin, γ-synuclein, and catechol-o-methyltransferase) identified by proteomic analysis
- Spontaneous rupture of varicocele testis associated with advanced pancreatic cancer
- Interstitial laser coagulation for management of benign prostatic hyperplasia : Long-term follow-up
- Quality of life after laparoscopic or open radical prostatectomy : interim report on multi-institutional longitudinal study in Japan