Watanabe Yukiko | Department Of Anesthesia Niigata City General Hospital
Watanabe Yukiko
Department Of Anesthesia Niigata City General Hospital
Watanabe Yukiko
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Yamagata University Yamagata
Watanabe Yukiko
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Yamagata University Yamagata
Honda Hiroyuki
Department of Biotechnology, School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Ogata Takehiro
Department of Experimental Therapeutics, Translational Research Center, Kyoto University Hospital
大泰司 紀之
渡邊 有希子
NAGAO Tomokazu
National Institute of Infectious Diseases
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University Graduate School
Ogata Takehiro
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Yamagata University Yamagata
- ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF 700 KDA PROTEIN FROM THE PLASMA OF THE SOLITARY ASCIDIAN, HALOCYNTHIA RORETZI(Biochemistry,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Toxoplasma Encephalitis in a HIV-infected Patient
- Prolonged loss of leg myogenic motor evoked potentials during thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair, without postoperative paraplegia
- Distribution and abundance of spotted seals Phoca largha and ribbon seals Phoca fasciata in the southern Sea of Okhotsk
- Development of Local Potential Step in DC Discharge by Streaming Instability
- Naringenin Chalcone Suppresses Allergic Asthma by Inhibiting the Type-2 Function of CD4 T Cells