桝田 京子 | Department Of Parasitology And Tropical Public Health University Of Occupational And Environmental H
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- Department Of Parasitology And Tropical Public Health University Of Occupational And Environmental Hの論文著者
Department Of Parasitology And Tropical Public Health University Of Occupational And Environmental H | 論文
- Early detection of Schistosoma mansoni infection by touchdown PCR in a mouse model
- Mutagenicity evaluation of Schistosoma spp. extracts by the umu-test and V79/HGPRT gene mutation assay
- ボリビアとブラジル東北地方の家屋内に生息するサシガメとTrypanosoma cruziの感染率
- Lamina Propria Mononuclear Cells Express and Respond to Interleukin-2 Differently in Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
- グアテマラの一地区におけるシャ-ガス病の疫学的研究;Trypanosoma cruzi感染と心電図異常の関連