Abe Kimihiko | Dep. Of Clinical Radiology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu Univ.
Dep. Of Clinical Radiology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu Univ. | 論文
- Decreased Tissue Accumulation of 6-Deoxy-6-[^F]fluoro-L-ascorbic Acid in Glutathione-Deficient Rats Induced by Administration of Diethyl Maleate(Biopharmacy)
- Extraosseous accumulation of ^Tc-HMDP to radiation nephropathy, mimicking recurrent neuroblastoma
- Alterations of tumor suppressor genes (Rb, p16, p27 and p53) and an increased FDG uptake in lung cancer
- Comparison of ^FDG-PET with ^Tc-HMDP scintigraphy for the detection of bone metastases in patients with breast cancer
- PET evaluation of the relationship between D_2 receptor binding and glucose metabolism in patients with parkinsonism