大坪 公士郎 | Cancer Center Kanazawa University
Cancer Center Kanazawa University | 論文
- Advanced hepatocellular carcinoma treated effectively with irinotecan via hepatic arterial infusion followed by proton beam therapy
- Octreotide 投与下に5-FU少量持続静注を行い, 著明なQOLの改善をみた performance status 不良の膵癌癌性腹膜炎の1剖検例
- 慢性膵炎の診断における超音波内視鏡の有用性
- 膵液中のSARP2遺伝子のメチル化測定による膵腫瘍診断
- Diagnostic utility of aberrant methylation of tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 in pure pancreatic juice for pancreatic carcinoma