江崎 洋一 | Osaka City Univ. Osaka Jpn
Osaka City Univ. Osaka Jpn | 論文
- Rapid Generation of DEM and 3D-Terrain Models in the GRASS GIS Environment
- Preliminary study on female choice of mates versus sites in a wrasse, Cirrhilabrus temminckii
- Cryptic diversification of the swamp eel Monopterus albus in East and Southeast Asia, with special reference to the Ryukyuan populations
- 215 超微細結晶粒銅の繰り返し引張り圧縮変形挙動
- 831 ECAP加工された銅単結晶の組織変化 : 初期方位、加工ルートと組織微細化の関係(塑性変形・変形挙動-II,一般セッション,第53期学術講演会)