Hirayama Makoto | Ulsi Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Hirayama Makoto
Ulsi Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Hirayama M
Ulsi Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
ULSI Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Hirayama Makoto
Lsi R&d Lab. Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
Kobayashi K
Dep. Of Electronic Sci. And Engineering Kyoto Univ. Katsura Nishikyo Kyoto 615-8510 Japaninnovative
ULSI Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Kobayashi K
Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Jpn
Kamigaki K
College Of Liberal Arts Toyama University
Kudoh Kazuhide
Department Of Applied Physics Tokyo University Of Science
Yasuoka Akihiko
Ulsi Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
- Impact of Organic Contaminants from the Environment of Electrical Characteristics of Thin Gate Oxides
- Highly Reliable SiO_2 Films Formed by UV-O_2 Oxidation
- High-Quality CVD/Thermal Stacked Gate Oxide Films with Hydrogen-Free CVD SiO_2 Formed in a SiCl_4-N_2O System
- Electron Beam Direct Writing Techniques for the Development of Sub-Quarter-Micron Devices
- Refractive Index Distribution in Photoresist Thin Film Formed by the Spin Coating Method
- Adhesion Improvement of Photoresist on TiN/Al Multilayer by Ozone Treatment