Kajita Shinya | Research Center Mitsubishi Paper Mills Ltd.
Kajita Shinya
Research Center Mitsubishi Paper Mills Ltd.
Katayama Yoshihiro
Graduate School Of Bio-applications & System Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Tec
KATAYAMA Yoshihiro
Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Tec
Bioscience and Biotechnology Center, Nagoya University
Kitano Hidemi
Graduate School of Bioagricultural Science, Nagoya University
Kawai S
Yamaguchi Univ. School Of Medicine Ube Jpn
Kitano H
Bioscience And Biotechnology Center Nagoya University
Yamashita Kenji
Biochemical Research Laboratories Kanegafuchi Chemical Industry Co. Ltd.
Kawai Shinya
Graduate School Of Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Katayama Yoshihiro
Bio-appli. And Systems Eng. Tokyo Univ. Of Agr. And Tech.
- Specific Accumulation of Polysaccharide-Linked Hydroxycinnamoyl Esters in the Cell Walls of Irregularly Shaped and Collapsed Internode Parenchyma Cells of the Dwarf Rice Mutant Fukei 71
- Alterations in the Biosynthesis of Lignin in Transgenic Plants with Chimeric Genes for 4-Coumarate:Coenzyme A Ligase