Sakae Toshiro | Department Of Histology Cytology And Developmental Anatomy School Of Dentistry At Matsudo Nihon Univ
- 同名の論文著者
- Department Of Histology Cytology And Developmental Anatomy School Of Dentistry At Matsudo Nihon Univの論文著者
Sakae Toshiro
Department Of Histology Cytology And Developmental Anatomy School Of Dentistry At Matsudo Nihon Univ
Sakae Toshiro
日本大学松戸歯学部 組織発生解剖学
Sakai Takeshi
Inst. Of Mineralogy Petrology And Economic Geology Graduate School Of Sci. Tohoku Univ.
Sakae Toshiro
Department Of Anatomy Nihon University School Of Dentistry At Matsudo
Tanaka Shigeo
Department Of Anatomy Nihon University School Of Dentistry At Matsudo
Sakai Takeshi
Nihon Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Sakae Toshiro
Departments Of Oral Histology Nihon University School Of Dentistry
Sakae Toshiro
日本大学松戸歯学部 松戸歯学研究科顎顔面外科学
SHIMIZU Takehiko
Department of Applied Chemistry, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Maeda Takahide
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo
- Application of LEBRA-PXR to the diffraction analysis of minerals
- Suppression of Energy Fluctuation for the Free Electron Laser at LEBRA : Short Note
- Genotyping of Heterogenous Osteopetrotic Mice Using Microsatellite Markers
- Variations in Dental Enamel Crystallites and Micro-Structure
- Analysis of the coding region of MSX1 gene in familial tooth agenesis
- Analysis of Msx1 gene structure in EL mice with absence of the third molar
- Molecular genetic study of the gutter shaped root (GSR) in inbred mice
- Detection of informative markers for searching a causative gene(s) of cleft lip with palate in A/WySn mice
- Detection of informative SSLP markers for searching a causative gene(s) of absence of the third molars in EL mice
- Diffraction Enhanced Phase Contrast Imaging of a Kitten Deciduous Tooth using Coherent X-ray Source