Saroun J | Nuclear Physics Institute
Nuclear Physics Institute | 論文
- Study of Strangeness Photo-production in the Threshold Region at LNS-Tohoku(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Spectroscopy of Electro- and Photo-Productions of Hypernuclei(Chapter III.,Hypernuclei and Baryon-Baryon Interaction)
- Photoproduction of Neutral Kaons on Liquid Deuterium Target(I. Nuclear Physics)
- A Quasi-free Photo-production of Neutral Kaons on ^C in the Threshold Region(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 26aGM-3 閾値領域での重水素標的におけるK中間子生成機構の研究(26aGM 実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同 ハドロン構造・中間子生成(合同),実験核物理領域)