SUGIMOTO Naoto | NTT Opto-Electronics Laboratories
NTT Opto-Electronics Laboratories
Sugimoto N
National Institute For Environment Studies
Tate A
Ntt Photonics Laboratories Ntt Corporation
KATOH Yujiro
NTT Opto-Electronics Laboratories
Katoh Y
Ntt Opto-electronics Laboratories
TATE Akiyuki
NTT Opto-electronics Laboratories
Shibukawa A
Ntt Opto-electronics Laboratories
Shibukawa Atsushi
Ntt Opto-electronics Laboratories
NTT Opto-eletctronics Laboratories
Matsuoka Morito
Ntt Opto-electronics Laboratories
MINO Shinji
NTT Optical Network Systems Laboratories
Mino Shinji
Ntt Opto-electronics Laboratories
Inukai Takashi
NTT Opto-Electronics Laboratories, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-11
Sugimoto Naoto
NTT Opto-Electronics Laboratories, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-11
Matsuoka Morito
NTT Opto-Electronics Laboratories, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-11
- Ridge Structures Formed on Nd_3Ga_5O_ and Sm_3Ga_5O_ Single Crystal Substrates
- Scanning Electron Microscope Observation of Ridge Structures Formed on (100) and (110) Gd_3Ga_5O_ Substrates
- Preparation of Substituted Y_3Fe_5O_ Single-Mode Buried Waveguides on a [1 0 0] Oriented Gd_3Ga_5O_ Substrate
- [110]-Directed Ridge Formation of Epitaxial Y_3Fe_5O_ Film Grown on [111]-Oriented Gd_3Ga_5O_
- Influence of Growth Temperature on the Magnetic and Optical Properties of Liquid-Phase-Epitaxial(LPE)-Grown Lanthanum- and Gallium-Substituted Yttrium Iron Garnet((La, Ga):YIG) Films and Their Application to Waveguides
- Ion Incident Angle Dependence of Ridge Shapes Formed on [111] Oriented Gd_3Ga_5O_ by Ion Beam Etching
- Ar Ion-Beam Etching of Gadolinium-Gallium Garnet
- Formation of Ridges on Gd_3Ga_5O_ by Ion-Beam Etching and Subsequent Phosphoric Acid Treatment Utilizing Tri-Layered Etching Mask
- Stress-Induced Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in PtMnSb Thin Films