Ike Michihiko | Dept. Mat. Env. Energy. Osaka Univ.
Dept. Mat. Env. Energy. Osaka Univ. | 論文
- 2P-2011 The characterization of the selenium volatilization by Pseudomonas stutzeri NT-
- Biodegradation of bisphenol A and bisphenol F in the rhizosphere sediment of Phragmites australis(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Accelerated aromatic compounds degradation in the rhizosphere of Spirodela polyrrhiza and analysis of root exudates
- Accelerated Aromatic Compounds Degradation in Aquatic Environment by Use of Interaction between Spirodela polyrrhiza and Bacteria in Its Rhizosphere(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Development and Application of PCR Primers for Monitoring Alkane-Degrading Bacteria in Seawater Microcosm during Crude Oil Degradation Process