日置 敦巳 | 岐阜県西濃保健所
論文 | ランダム
- Preparation of Monoclonal Antibodies Cross-Reactive with Orthopoxviruses and Their Application for Direct Immunofluorescence Test
- Studies on Antigenic Polypeptides Induced by Shope Fibroma Virus
- Studies on the Polypeptides of Poxvirus-2-Comparison of Virus-Induced Polypeptides in Cells Infected with Vaccinia,Cowpox and Shope Fibroma Viruses
- Studies on the Polypeptides of Poxvirus-1-Comparison of Structural Polypeptides in Vaccinia,Cowpox and Shope Eibroma Viruses
- 新規血液凝固マーカー (ETP-based APC-sr) を用いた深部静脈血栓・肺塞栓症の管理(肺塞栓-その予防と治療-, 第57回日本産科婦人科学会学術講演会)