Shen H | Nankai Univ.
Nankai Univ. | 論文
- Role of Form Factor in Relativistic Hartree-Fock Approach for Finite Nuclei(Nuclear Physics)
- A Nonblocking Optical Switching Network for Crosstalk-Free Permutation(Switching)
- A Nonblocking Optical Switching Network for Crosstalk-Free Permutation
- Crosstalk-Free Permutation in Photonic Rearrangeable Networks Built on a Combination of Horizontal Expansion and Vertical Stacking of Banyan Networks(Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and technologies)
- 27aWG-7 ニュートリノ輸送流体計算による超新星爆発と原始中性子星形成(実験核物理,理論核物理合同天体核物理(超新星爆発・元素合成),実験核物理)