Inomata Noritomo | Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Kagoshima University
INOMATA Noritomo
Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University
Omodaka Toshihiro
Faculty Of Science Kagoshima University
Inomata Noritomo
Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Kagoshima University
Shibata K
National Astronomical Observatory
Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University
Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University
INOMATA Noritomo
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University
Nakashima K
Univ. Of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo Tokyo 113-0033 Jpn
Kawai N
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan Tokyo
Sorai Kazuo
Division Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
- Multi-Epoch VERA Observations of H_2O Masers in OH 43.8-0.1
- Studying Black Holes with VERA(Poster)
- VERA Observation of the W 49N H_2O Maser Outburst in 2003 October
- A Bipolar Outflow of the M-Type Giant IRC-10414 Traced by H_2O Maser Emission
- Variable Asymmetry of the Circumstellar Envelope in IK Tauri Traced by SiO Maser Emission
- Astrometry of H_2O Masers in Nearby Star-Forming Regions with VERA I : IRAS 16293-2422 in ρ Oph East
- Statistical Properties of Stellar H_2O Masers : Results of Three-Year Single-Dish Observations with the VERA Iriki Telescope
- A Pole-on Bipolar Outflow from the AGB Star WX Piscium