Kobayashi Naoto | Institute Of Astronomy The University Of Tokyo
Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo
Kobayashi Naoto
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Kawai N
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan Tokyo
常深 博
AOKI Kentaro
Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Aoki Kentaro
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan Hi Usa
IYE Masanori
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
太田 耕司
Department Of Astronomy Kyoto University
Yamashita T
Astronomical Institute Tohoku University
Shibata Katsunori
Division Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
- No Evidence for Variability of Intervening Absorption Lines toward GRB 060206 : Implications for the Mg II Incidence Problem
- The SUBARU Deep Field Project : Lyman α Emitters at a Redshift of 6.6
- Direct Observation of the Extended Molecular Atmosphere of o Ceti by Differential Spectral Imaging with an Adaptive Optics System
- The Subaru Deep Field : The Optical Imaging Data
- Current Performance and On-Going Improvements of the 8.2m Subaru Telescope
- Spectral Evolution of the GRB 030329 Afterglow : Detection of the Supernova Nebular Phase Emissions
- Search for Near-Infrared Pulsation of the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 4U 0142+61
- A High-Resolution Very Large Array Observation of a Protostar in OMC-3 : Shock-Induced X-Ray Emission by a Protostellar Jet
- A High-Resolution Very Large Array Observation of a Protostar in OMC-3: Shock-Induced X-Ray Emission by a Protostellar Jet
- Fabrication of GaAs/GaInNAs Heterojunction Solar Cells Applicable To High-Efficiency Multi-junction Tandem Structures