Hisamatsu M | Mie Univ. Mie Jpn
Mie Univ. Mie Jpn | 論文
- Conversion of Unutilized Biomass to Feed and Fuel by Anaerobic Bacteria (Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technologies)
- Construction of a Consortium Comprising Ammonia-oxidizing Bacteria and Denitrifying Bacteria Isolated from Marine Sediment
- Assessment of Microbial Adherent Carriers for Possible Application in Nitrogen Removal : A Fundamental study
- An Acute Toxicological Study on Bloom-forming Cells of Peridinium bipes (Peridineaceae) in Toneyama Dam
- An Acute Toxicological Study on Three Synechococcus Strains (Cyanobacteria) Isolated from a Red Tide in Lake Biwa