FURUKAWA Kinya | Department of Chest Surgery, Tokyo Medical University
Department of Chest Surgery, Tokyo Medical University
Furukawa Kinya
Department Of Chest Surgery Tokyo Medical University
Furukawa Kinya
Department Of Surgery Tokyo Medical University
Furukawa Kinya
Department Of Chest Surgery Tokyo Medical University Kasumigaura Hospital
Kato Harubumi
Department Of Thoracic Surgery Tokyo Medical University
KATO Harubumi
Department of Surgery I, Tokyo Medical College
Kato Harubumi
Department Of Gynecology National Hospital Organization Hokkaido Cancer Center
Kato Harubumi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Tokyo Medical University
Ohira T
Department Of Thoracic Surgery Tokyo Medical University
Department of Surgery, Tokyo Medical College Hospital
- Photodynamic Therapy for Early and Advanced Stage Bronchogenic Carcinomas(Diagnosis and Treatment of Early Stage Central Type Lung Cancer)(The 23rd Annual Congress of the Japan Society for Bronchology)
- Evaluation of T Factor, Surgical Method, and Prognostic Factors in Central Type Lung Cancer
- Fluorescence Bronchoscopy in the Early Detection of Premalignant and Malignant Lesions(Diagnosis and Treatment of Early Stage Central Type Lung Cancer)(The 23rd Annual Congress of the Japan Society for Bronchology)
- Photodynamic Diagnosis and Therapy as Alternative to the Management of Early Stage Lung Cancer(Interventional Bronchology)
- Intralobar Pulmonary Sequestration Presenting Increased Serum CA 19-9 and CA125
- S1-2 Fluorescence photodiagnosis for malignant tumor(Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy)
- The Role of Airway Stent Placement in the Management of Tracheobronchial Stenosis Caused by Inoperable Advanced Lung Cancer