Matsuda Yoichi | Lab. Anim. Cytogenet Creative Res. Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
Matsuda Yoichi
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet Creative Res. Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
Matsuda Yoichi
Cent. Adv. Sci. Tech. Hokkaido Univ.:grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci. Hokkaido Univ.:fac. Sci. Hokkaid
Matsuda Yoichi
Grad. Sch. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.:cris Hokkaido Univ.
Matsuda Yoichi
Lab. Mol. Cell. Genet. Dept. Biol. Sci. Grad. Sch. Sci.:lab. Animal Cytogenet. Dept. Genome Dyn. Cre
Nishida-umehara Chizuko
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet Creative Res. Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
Nishiyama Chigusa
Grad. Sch. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.
Matsuda Yoichi
Grad. Sch. Life Sci. Hokkaido Univ.:lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Div. Genome Dyn. Creative Res. Initiative
Nishida Chizuko
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet Creative Res. Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
Matsuda Yoichi
Grad. Sch. Life Sci. Hokkaido Univ.:lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Div. Genome Dyn. Creative Res. Initiative
Yamada K
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet Creative Res. Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
Yamada Kazuhiko
Lab. Animal Cytogenet. Dept. Genome Dyn. Creative Res. Initiative "sousei
Matsubara Kazumi
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet Creative Res. Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet, Creative Res. Initiative "Sousei", Hokkaido Univ.
Nishida-umehara Chizuko
Laboratory Of Animal Cytogenetics Center For Advanced Science And Technology And Laboratory Of Cytog
Umehara Chizuko
Grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci. Hokkaido Univ.:lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Cent. Adv. Sci. Tech. Hokkaido U
Nishida(umehara) Chizuko
Lab. Mol. Cell. Genet. Dept. Biol. Sci. Grad. Sch. Sci.:lab. Animal Cytogenet. Dept. Genome Dyn. Cre
Nishida-umehara Chizuko
Lab. Animal Cytogenet. Creat. Res. Initiatit. "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.:division Of Biol. Sc
Nishida Chizuko
Grad. Sch. Life Sci. Hokkaido Univ.:lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Div. Genome Dyn. Creative Res. Initiative
Umehara Chizuko
Creative Research Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.:grad. Sch. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.
Umehara Chizuko
Grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci.:lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Center Adv. Sci. Tech.:fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.
Ishijima Junko
Lab. Animal Cytogenet. Creat. Res. Initiatit. "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
Nishida-umehara Chizuko
Grad. Sch. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.
Agata K
Dep. Of Biophysics Graduate School Of Sci. Kyoto Univ.
Agata Kiyokazu
Lab. Mol. Dev. Biol. Grad. Sch. Sci. Kyoto Univ.
Agata Kiyokazu
Agata Kiyokazu
Genome Resource And Analysis Subunit Riken Center For Developmental Biology
Agata Kiyokazu
Dep. Of Biophysics Graduate School Of Sci. Kyoto Univ.
Agata Kiyokazu
Laboratory For Evolutionary Regeneration Center For Developmental Biology Riken
Agata Kiyokazu
Riken Cdb Evo.
Grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
Agata Kiyokazu
Group For Evolutionary Regeneration Biology Center For Developmental Biology Riken Kobe
Agata Kiyokazu
Lab. For Mol. Dev. Biol. Dept. Of Biophys. Grad. Sch. Of Sci. Kyoto Univ.
土屋 公幸
土屋 公幸
土屋 公幸
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Applied Biology Co. Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
Tsuchiya K
Department Of Zootechnical Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Department Zootechnical Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Exp. Anim. Center Miyazaki Med. Coll.
土屋 公幸
Kuroiwa Asato
Grad. Sch. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.:cris Hokkaido Univ.
Kuroiwa Asato
Grad. Sch. Life Sci. Biosys. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.:cris Hokkaido Univ.
Kuroiwa Asato
Cent. Adv. Sci. Tech. Hokkaido Univ.:grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci. Hokkaido Univ.:fac. Sci. Hokkaid
Kuroiwa Asato
Cris Hokkaido Univ Hokkaido Univ.
Kuroiwa Asato
Laboratory Of Animal Cytogenetics Creative Ressearch Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Universi
Kuroiwa Asato
Cast Hokkaido Univ.
Kuroiwa Asato
Laboratory Of Cytogenetics Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
Yamada Kazuhiko
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet Creative Res. Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Laboratory Of Wild Animals Department Of Animal Sciences Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Tsuchiya Kimisachi
Department Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Tsuchiya K
Experimental Animal Center Miyazaki Medical College
Tsuchiya K
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture Kanagawa Jpn
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Laboratory Of Bioresources Applied Biology Co. Ltd.
Kuroiwa Asato
Hokkaido Univ. Hokkaido Jpn
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Lab. Of Wild Animals Dep. Of Animal Sciences Fac. Of Agriculture Tokyo Univ. Of Agriculture
Kuroiwa Asato
Laboratory Of Animal Cytogenetics Center For Advanced Science And Technology Hokkaido University
Murakami Takahiro
Creative Research Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
土屋 公幸
Tarui Hiroshi
Genome Resource And Analysis Subunit Riken Center For Developmental Biology
Tarui Hiroshi
Evolutionary Regeneration Group Center For Developmental Biology Riken
Grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
Yamada Fumio
Kansai Res. Cen. Ffpri
Shibusawa Mami
Grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci. Lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Center Advanced Sci. Tech.
Tarui Hiroshi
Evolutionary Regeneration Group Center For Developmental Biology
Shibusawa M
Grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci. Hokkaido Univ.
橋本 琢磨
土屋 公幸
土屋 公幸
阿部 慎太郎
Abe Shintaro
Naha Nco. Min. Envi.
阿部 愼太郎
Ishijima Junko
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Center Adv. Sci. Tech.
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet, Creative Res. Initiative "Sousei", Hokkaido Univ.
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet., Div. Genome Dyn., Creative Res. Initiative "Sousei", Hokkaido Univ.
Nishida-Umehara Chizuko
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet., Creative Res. Initiative "Sousei", Hokkaido Univ.
Grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci., Lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Center Advanced Sci. Tech.
土谷 公幸
Experimental Animal Center Miyazaki Medical College
Tsuchiya K
Laboratory Of Wild Animals Department Of Animal Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Ooyo Seibutsu Inc.
Tsuchiya K
Miyazaki Medical Coll. Miyazaki Jpn
土屋 公幸
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Laboratory Of Wild Animals Department Of Zootechnical Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture
Ando Junko
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Center Advanced Sci. Tech.
山田 文雄
山田 文雄
Yamada Kazuhiko
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Div. Genome Dyn. Creative Res. Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Department Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Tarui Hiroshi
Genome Resource Anal. Riken Cdb
Grad. Sch. Life Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
TORIBA Michihisa
Japan Snake Inst.
Cent. Adv. Sci. Tech., Hokkaido Univ.
Grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci.
Matsuda Yoichi
Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Laboratory of Animal Cytogenetics, Hokkaido University
Grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci., Lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Center Advanced Sci. Tech.
Kuratani Shigeru
Lab. for Evol. Morph, RIKEN CDB
ABE Shintaro
Amami Wildlife Conser. Cen., Min. Envi.
Kawai Aya
Lab. Mol. Cell. Genet. Dept. Biol. Sci. Grad. Sch. Sci.
Maki Nobuyasu
Center For Developmental Biology Riken
Kuratani S
Lab. For Evol. Morph Riken Cdb
Kuratani Shigeru
Department Of Anatomy Faculty Of Medicine University Of The Ryukyus
Nakamura Atsushi
Grad. Sch. Life Sci. Hokkaido Univ.
Maki N.
Center For Developmental Biology Riken
Takahashi Kazunori
京都薬科大学 病態生理学
TARUI Hiroshi
Genome Resource and Analysis Subunit, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology
Frontier Science Research Center, University of Miyazaki
Agata Kiyokazu
Center For Developmental Biology
Creative Research Initiative "Sousei", Hokkaido Univ.
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet., Div. Genome Dyn., Creative Res. Initiative "Sousei", Hokkaido Univ.
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet., Grad. Sch. Env. Earth Sci.
YAMADA Kazuhiko
Cent. Adv. Sci. Tech., Hokkaido Univ.
Lab. Wild Anim., Dept. Anim. Sci., Fac. Agr., Tokyo Univ.
Cent. Adv. Sci. Tech., Hokkaido Univ.
Takeuchi Kosei
Kan Research Institute Inc. Kobe Mi R&d Center
Maki Nobuyasu
Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN
Murakami Takahiro
Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN
Ohsumi Keita
Department of Biological Information, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Div. Sex Differ., NIBB
Div. Sex Differ., NIBB
Frontier Sci. Res. Cen., Miyazaki Univ.
Div. Sex Differ., NIBB
Lab. Mol. Cell. Genet., Dept. Biol. Sci., Grad. Sch. Sci.
Ohsumi Keita
Department Of Biological Information Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Takechi Katsuaki
Kan Research Institute Inc. Kobe Mi R&d Center
Lab. Mol. Cell. Genet., Dept. Biol. Sci., Grad. Sch. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
Katoh(fukui) Yuko
Div. Sex Differ. Nibb
Tsuda Yayoi
Lab. Animal Cytogenet. Dept. Genome Dyn. Creative Res. Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
Grad. Sch. Biosphere Sci., Hiroshima Univ.
Koshimoto Chihiro
Frontier Sci. Res. Cen. Miyazaki Univ.
Koshimoto Chihiro
Department Of Bio-resources Division Of Biotechnology Frontier Science Research Center University Of
Morohashi Ken-ichirou
Div. Sex Differ. Nibb
Matsuda Yoichi
Creat. Res. Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
Koshimoto Chihiro
Frontier Science Research Center University Of Miyazaki
HIRAO Yukako
Genome Resource and Analysis Subunit, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology
Genome Resource and Analysis Subunit, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology
Ota Hidetoshi
Tropical Biosphere Research Center University Of The Ryukyus
Ota Hidetoshi
Trop. Biosphere Res. Center Univ. Ryukyus
Nakamura Masahisa
Waseda Univ. Tokyo Jpn
KOHNO Sei-ichi
Dept. Biol., Facl. Sci., Toho Univ.
Hirao Yukako
Genome Resource And Analysis Subunit Riken Center For Developmental Biology
Kohno Sei-ichi
Dept. Biol. Fac. Sci. Toho Univ.
Matsuda Yoichi
Laboratory of Cytogenetics, Division of Bioscience, Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science,
Creative Research Initiative "Sousei", Hokkaido Univ.
Creative Research Initiative "Sousei", Hokkaido Univ.
Fac. Edu., Waseda Univ.
Ishijima Junko
Laboratory Of Mammalian Genetics National Institute Of Genetics
Fujiwara Atushi
Dept.of Orthop.surg. Rush-presbyterian-st.luke's Medical Center
Fujiwara Atushi
Dept. Aquat. Biosci. Tokyo Univ. Of Fisheries
KUMAZAWA Yoshinori
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet, Creative Res. Initiative "Sousei", Hokkaido Univ.
Lab. Animal Cytogenet., Dept. Genome Dyn., Creative Res. Initiative "Sousei"
Lab. Anim. Cent, Yamagata Univ.
Cent. Adv. Sci. Tech., Hokkaido Univ.
Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet., Center Adv. Sci. Tech.
Fac. Agri., Tokyo Univ. Agri.
Yamada Kazuhiko
Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Laboratory of Animal Cytogenetics, Hokkaido University
Shibusawa Mami
Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Laboratory of Animal Cytogenetics, Hokkaido University
Isobe Taku
Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Laboratory of Animal Cytogenetics, Hokkaido University
Ando Junko
Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Laboratory of Animal Cytogenetics, Hokkaido University
Nishida-Umehara Chizuko
Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Laboratory of Animal Cytogenetics, Hokkaido University
Grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci., Lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Center Advanced Sci. Tech.
Nishida-Umehara Chizuko
Laboratory of Animal Cytogenetics, Center for Advanced Science and Technology, and Laboratory of Cyt
Applied Biology Co., Ltd.
Nakamura Masahisa
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Education And Integrated Arts And Sciences Waseda University
Tarui Hiroshi
Center for Developmental Biology (CDB)
TAKECHI Katsuaki
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
Fac. Food Sci., Ehime Women's College
Grad. Sch. Sci., Kyoto Univ.
UMESONO Yoshihiko
Grad. Sch. Sci., Kyoto Univ.
Creative Research Initiative "Sousei", Hokkaido Univ.
AGATA Kiyokazu
Grad. Sch. Sci., Kyoto Univ.
Kuraku Shigehiro
Lab. for Evol. Morph, RIKEN CDB
Takechi Katsuaki
Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN
Lab. Evol. Regeneration. Biol., RIKEN Cent. Develop. Biol.
MAKI Nobuyasu
Lab. Evol. Regeneration. Biol., RIKEN Cent. Develop. Biol.
Grad. Sch. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
Grad. Sch. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
Grad. Sch. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
Grad. Sch. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
Nishibori Masahide
Grad. Sch. Biosphere Sci. Hiroshima Univ.
Saito Yumi
Grad. Sch. Sci. Kyoto Univ.
Handa Sanae
Grad. Sch. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.
Shimada Yayoi
Grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci.
Kondoh Mariko
Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.
Exp. Anim. Center, Miyazaki Med. Coll.
Kosaka Ayumi
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Div. Genome Dyn. Creative Res. Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
Kumazawa Yoshinori
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet Creative Res. Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Univ.
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology
Grad. Sch. Life Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
SEKI Risako
Grad. Sch. Life Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
Matsubara Kazumi
Lab. Aquat. Bio. Fac. Agri. Kinki Univ.:lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Cent. Adv. Sci. Tech. Hokkaido Univ.
Takechi Katsuaki
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kumamoto University
Takanashi Kurato
Cent. Adv. Sci. Tech. Hokkaido Univ.:trans Animex. Co. Ltd.
Umesono Yoshihiko
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Umesono Yoshihiko
Grad. Sch. Sci. Kyoto Univ.
Ueno Koichi
Lab. Aquat. Bio. Fac. Agri. Kinki Univ.
Matsuda Yoichi
Laboratory Of Animal Cytogenetics Creative Research Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Universit
Matsuda Yoichi
Lab. Anim. Cytogenet. Cent. Adv. Sci. Tech. Hokkaido Univ.
Kobayashi Tsuyoshi
Grad. Sch. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.
Seki Risako
Grad. Sch. Life Sci. Hokkaido Univ.
- The molecular basis of chromosome orthologies and sex chromosomal differentiation in palaeognathous birds
- Comparison of the Z and W sex chromosomal architectures in elegant crested tinamou (Eudromia elegans) and ostrich (Struthio camelus) and the process of sex chromosome differentiation in palaeognathous birds.
- Highly conserved linkage homology between birds and turtles: Bird and turtle chromosomes are precise counterparts of each other
- O-09. FISH mapping of sex-determination related genes on the frog Rana rugosa(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstract of the 56th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-08. Structure and evolution of centromere-specific repetitive DNA sequences in birds(Abstracts for the oral and the poster presentations,Abstracts of the Joint Meeting: the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research and the 17th Annual Me
- O-10. Karyotypic analysis of two blind snake species (Scolecophidia) and the process of karyotypic changes in Serpentes(Abstracts for the oral and the poster presentations,Abstracts of the Joint Meeting: the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosom
- Evidence for different origin of sex chromosomes in snakes, birds, and mammals and step-wise differentiation of snake sex chromosomes.
- A novel family of repetitive DNA sequences amplified site-specifically on the W chromosomes in Neognathous birds.
- O-09. Evolution of karyotypes and centromere-specific repetitive DNA sequences in the Falconiformes(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- O-08. Comparison of the origin of sex chromosomes in snakes, birds and mammals, and delineation of the process of sex chromosome-differentiation in snakes(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- O-12. A novel repetitive DNA sequence that compose the W chromosome-specific heterochromatin of elegant crested tinamou (Eudromia elegans)(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstract of the 56th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chromosome Res
- O-16. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of site-specific highly repetitive DNA sequences in the subfamily Cricetinae(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstracts of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-15. Molecular cloning and characterization of centromeric highly repetitive DNA sequences in the Strigiformes species(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstracts of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-08. Molecular characterization and chromosomal distribution of site-specific highly repetitive DNA sequences isolated from Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)(The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Ch
- O-07. Cloning and characterization of highly repetitive DNA sequences in avian and reptilian species(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)(The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- Comparative cytogenetic studies on chromosome organization of birds and reptiles(Symposium : Current development and perspective on chromosome banding techniques)(The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-14. Structures and chromosomal distribution of novel avian highly repetitive DNA sequences(Abstracts of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-15. Comparative analysis of bird karyotypes by Zoo FISH with chicken chromosome painting probes(Abstracts of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- cDNA-based gene mapping and GC3 profiling in the soft-shelled turtle suggest a chromosomal size-dependent GC bias shared by sauropsids
- O-01. Establishment of FISH mapping system of functional cDNA clones for two planarian species(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- Transition of Genomic GC-content and Karyotype Evolution in Vertebrates(Joint Symposium of the Society of Chromosome Research and the Chromosome Colloquium : "Dynamics of genome and chromosomes-aspects from gene expression to evolution-",Abstracts of the
- Nuclear reorganization during dedifferentiation of differentiated cells(Joint Symposium of the Society of Chromosome Research and the Chromosome Colloquium : "Dynamics of genome and chromosomes-aspects from gene expression to evolution-",Abstracts of the
- Structural Analysis of Nuclear Reprogramming during Newt Dedifferentiation Process(From Model Laboratory Species to Model Wild Species; the Next Generation of Model Animals Derived from Japan, but Applicable Worldwide: Japanese Wood Mouse, Japanese Medaka
- O-12. Establishment of FISH mapping system for genome analysis of newt(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstracts of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-13. Expression analysis of the M33 gene in the Amami spiny rat(Abstracts for the oral and the poster presentations,Abstracts of the Joint Meeting: the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research and the 17th Annual Meeting of the Chromosom
- O-15. Increase in the copy number of the M33 gene of Ryukyu spiny rat(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- O-14. Chromosomal localization of mammalian Y-linked genes in X0/X0 mammal, Ryukyu spiny rat(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- O-13. Centromere repositioning in X chromosome of X0/X0 mammals, Ryukyu spiny rat(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- O-07. Comparative cytogenetic study on the origin and differentiation of sex chromosomes of reptiles. II. The origin and differentiation of sex chromosomes of the gekkonid lizard (Gekko hokouensis)(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- Chromosome homology between mouse and three Muridae species, Millardia meltada, Acomys dimidiatus and Micromys minutus, and conserved chromosome segments in murid karyotypes
- Comparative chromosome painting map between two Ryukyu spiny rat species, Tokudaia osimensis and Tokudaia tokunoshimensis (Muridae, Rodentia)
- O-12. Karyotypic evolution and the ancestral karyotype of the Muridae inferred from comparative chromosome painting(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- O-23. Conserved chromosome synteny and the karyotype of the common ancestor inferred from comparative chromosome painting in the Murinae(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstract of the 56th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chromosome Resea
- P-07. Conserved repetitive DNA sequences in the kW1 genomic region of ratite W chromosomes(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- Karyotypic Evolution of Apodemus (Muridae, Rodentia) Inferred from Comparative FISH Analyses
- Identification of chromosome rearrangements between the laboratory mouse (Mus musculus) and the Indian spiny mouse (Mus platythrix) by comparative FISH analysis
- O-18. A study on chromosome rearrangements in Indian spiny mouse by comparative chromosome painting(Abstracts of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-10. Comparative cytogenetic study on the origin and differentiation of sex chromosomes in reptiles(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstract of the 56th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-14. Molecular cytogenetic studies on chromosome evolution in the Galliformes(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstracts of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- Characterization of chromosome structures of Falconinae (Falconidae, Falconiformes, Aves) by chromosome painting and delineation of chromosome rearrangements during their differentiation
- O-21. Evolution of sex chromosomes in ratite birds(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations,Abstracts of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-06. A study on chromosome evolution in Japanese quail, Chinese painted quail and California quail by comparative FISH analysis(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)(The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-09. Molecular and cytogenetic characterization of centromeric heterochromatin of the Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) and their origin and evolution(Abstracts for the oral and the poster presentations,Abstracts of the Joint Meeting: the 58th Ann
- O-22. Karyotype analysis and establishment of FISH mapping system in Scombroid fishes(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations,Abstracts of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)