Hiraoka Kenzo | Faculty Of Engineering Yamanashi University
Hiraoka Kenzo
Faculty Of Engineering Yamanashi University
Yamabe Shinichi
Department Of Chemistry Nara University Of Education
SATO Tetsuya
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
Aizawa Keiichi
Faculty Of Engineering Yamanashi University
IIJIMA Yoshitoki
Application and Research Center JEOL Ltd.
Shoda Takashi
Faculty Of Engineering Yamanashi University
Kudaka Ichiro
Faculty Of Engineering Yamanashi University
MURATA Konosuke
Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University
Murata Konosuke
Faculty Of Engineering Yamanashi University
Sato Tetsuya
Faculty Of Engineering Yamanashi University
- Application of 10.6μm CO_2 Laser to the Electrospray and Ion Spray LC/MS Interface
- Segregation of As on GaAs(100) Surface during Abrasiorn Process Studied by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Auger Electron Spectroscopy
- Analysis of Polyethyleneterephthalate Film Surface Sputtered with Ar Neutral and Ar Jon Beams
- Why Is Ethylene Missing in the Coma of the Comets Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp? (TMS特集号)
- Gas-Phase Ion-Molecule Reactions in Tetrahydrothiophene
- Gas-Phase Solvation of O^+_2, O^+_4, and O^+_6 with Ar
- Electrochemical Reduction and Highly-Sensitive Analysis of Iodine in Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
- Formation of the [M+H]^+ and Abundant Fragment Ions of Methyl Stearate under Low Energy Electron Ionization Conditions
- Gas-Phase Polymerization Reactions Induced by the C_2H^+_m Ions (m=3-5) in Ethene
- Do the Electrospray Mass Spectra Reflect the Ion Concentrations in Sample Solution?