Imaeda M | Ngk Insulators Ltd. Nagoya Jpn
Imaeda M
Ngk Insulators Ltd. Nagoya Jpn
大里 齊
大里 齊
名古屋工大 大学院
Okuda T
Nagoya Inst. Of Technol. Nagoya‐shi
Okuda T
Isinomaki Senshu Univ. Ishinomaki‐shi Jpn
OHSATO Hitoshi
Department of Materials Science and Engineering Institute of Nagoya Institute of Technology
OKUDA Takashi
Department of Insect Physiology and Behavior, National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological S
Ohsato Hitoshi
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Institute Of T
IMAEDA Motoaki
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Okuda T
National Inst. Agrobiological Sci.
- Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ba_Sm_Ti_O_ Solid Solutions with Sr Substituted for Ba
- The Effect of MgO and Rare-Earth Oxide on Formation Behavior of Core-Shell Structure in BaTiO_3
- Fabrication of LiNbO_3 Microfiber Core/Clad Structure by Liquid Phase Epitaxy