Murashima Shiroh | Second Department Of Internal Medicine Kurume University School Of Medicine
Sata Michio
京都府立医科大学 消化器内科学
Sata Michio
Sata Michio
久留米大学 大学院医学研究科消化器疾患情報講座
Sakata M
Division Of Gastroenterology Department Of Medicine Kurume University School Of Medicine
Ide T
Department Of Second Internal Medicine Kurume University School Of Medicine
Ide Tatsuya
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Kurume University School Of Medicine
Ide Tatsuya
久留米大学 医学部内科学第二
Sata Michio
久留米大学 医学部消化器外科
IDE Tatsuya
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Kurume University School of Medicine
Ide Tatsuya
久留米大学 医学部免疫学講座
- Peginterferon-alpha-2b plus ribavirin therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C as assessed by a multi-institutional questionnaire in Japan
- Human primary cultured hepatic stellate cells can be cryopreserved
- High expression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 is correlated with lower portal invasion and better prognosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma
- Case-control study for the identification of virological factors associated with fulminant hepatitis B
- Characterization of the light chain-restricted clonal B cells in peripheral blood of HCV-positive patients
- Supplement improves nutrition and stresses caused by examination-associated fasting in patients with liver cirrhosis
- Periostin and bone marrow fibrosis
- Guidelines for the antiviral therapy of hepatitis C virus carriers with normal serum aminotransferase based on platelet counts
- Keratin inclusions alter cytosolic protein localization in hepatocytes
- Double filtration plasmapheresis and interferon combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C patients with genotype 1 and high viral load