Lee Yong | Dept. Of Eecs Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Lee Yong
Dept. Of Eecs Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Lee Hee
School Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Sciences Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Techn
Lee Hee
School Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Division Of Electrical Engineering Korea Advan
Lee Yong
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Te
Lee Yong
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Kaist
Lee Yong
Dept Of Eecs Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Lee Hee
School Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Sciences Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Techn
Lee Yong
Korea Advanced Inst. Sci. And Technol. Daejeon Kor
Lee Hee
Dept. Of Eecs Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology:national Nanofab Center
Lee Hee
Dept Of Eecs Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
- Study on Gate Around Transistor (GAT) Layout for Radiation Hardness(Session9A: Silicon Devices IV)
- Study on Gate Around Transistor (GAT) Layout for Radiation Hardness(Session9A: Silicon Devices IV)
- A Study of LPE HgCdTe Wafer Characteristics Flattened with Single-Point Diamond Turning Method (先端デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジアワークショップ(AWAD2005))
- A Study of LPE HgCdTe Wafer Characteristics Flattened with Single-Point Diamond Turning Method (先端デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジアワークショップ(AWAD2005))
- A Study on Lateral Surface Treatment of the CdTe X-ray image-sensor
- A Study on Lateral Surface Treatment of the CdTe X-ray image-sensor
- 1/f Noise Characteristics of Hydrogenated Long-Wavelength Infrared HgCdTe Photodiode
- Ambipolar Performances of Novel Amorphous Silicon-Germanium Alloy Thin-Film Transistors
- Poly(3, 4-Ethylenedioxythiophene) : Poly(Styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT : PSS) Films for the Microbolometer Applications
- A Study on Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):Poly(styrene sulfonate)(PEDOT: PSS) Films for the Microbolometer Applications(Session5B: Emerging Devices III)