Lee Kiehwa | School Of Earth And Environmental Sciences Seoul National University
Lee Kiehwa
School Of Earth And Environmental Sciences Seoul National University
Lee Sang-mook
Marine Resources Laboratory Korea Ocean Research And Development Institute
LEE Tae-Gook
Marine Resources Laboratory , Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute
MOON Jae-Woon
Marine Resources Laboratory , Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute
LEE Kiehwa
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University
Lee Tae-gook
Marine Resources Laboratory Korea Ocean Research And Development Institute
Moon Jae-woon
Marine Resources Laboratory Korea Ocean Research And Development Institute
Lee Tae-gook
Development Operations Team Korea National Oil Corporation
Hein James
U.s. Geological Survey
MOON Jai-Woon
Marine Resources Research Department, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute
- Paleomagnetic investigation of seamounts in the vicinity of Ogasawara Fracture Zone northwest of the Marshall Islands , western Pacific
- Geophysical investigation of seamounts near the Ogasawara Fracture Zone, western Pacific