Kundu Tapas | Department Of Physics And Technophysics Vidyasagar University
論文 | ランダム
- Ti 3d Orbital Change Across Metal-Insulator Transition in Ti_2O_3 : Polarization-Dependent Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy at Ti 2p Edge(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Nuclear Dissipative Dynamics
- Coupling between Orbital and Lattice Degrees of Freedom in Y_Ca_xTiO_3 (0
- 30p-F-5 高励起原子核分裂の散逸動力学 : 質量非対称自由度の導入
- Orbitally Ordered State in Y_Ca_xTiO_3 (0 < x ≤ 0.5)(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)