TOMINAGA Kouji | ATR Optical and Radio Communications Research Laboratories
WATANABE Toshihide
ATR Optical and Radio Communication Research Laboratory
ATR Optical and Radio Communications Research Laboratories
ATR Optical and Radio Communications Research Laboratories
Fujita K
Atr Adaptive Communications Research Laboratories
Hosoda Makoto
ATR Optical and Radio Communications Research Laboratories, Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-02, Japan
Tominaga Kouji
ATR Optical and Radio Communications Research Laboratories, Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-02, Japan
Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Fujiwara Kenzo
Department Of Electric Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Hosoda Masahiro
Frontier Research Program The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken):(present Address)
Tominaga Koji
Atr Optical And Radio Communications Research Laboratories
Tominaga Koji
Atr Optical And Radio Communications Research Laboratories:(present Address) Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Tominaga Koji
Department Of Industrial Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Chubu University
Tominaga Koji
Semiconductor Research Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Watanabe Teruo
Futaba Corporation
Hosoda M
Department Of Materials Science And Technology Faculty Of Engineering Gifu University
Watanabe Toshihide
Atr Adaptive Communications Research Laboratories:(present Address)science And Technical Research La
Fujita K
Department Of Electrical Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Fujita K
Gifu National Coll. Technol. Gifu Jpn
Fujita Kazuhisa
Ion Engineering Research Institute Corporation
Fujita K
Takasago R & D Center Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
Watanabe T
Department Of Innovative And Engineered Materials Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And E
Hosoda Masahiro
Central Research Laboratories Sharp Corporation
Tominaga K
Kobe Univ. Kobe Jpn
Fujiwara Kozo
Institute For Materials Research (imr) Tohoku University
Fujiwara K
Institute For Materials Research (imr) Tohoku University
Watanabe Takeo
Univ. Hyogo Hyogo Jpn
Watanabe Takayuki
Department of Innovative and Engineered Materials, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Vaccaro Pablo
Atr Adaptive Communications Research Laboratories
Vaccaro Pablo
Atr Optical And Radio Communications Research Laboratories
Watanabe T
Components Development Group Sony Corporation
Watanabe T
Ritsumeikan Univ. Shiga Jpn
Watanabe Tetsu
Components Development Group Sony Corporation
Watanabe T
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Kanagawa Jpn
Watanabe T
Reserch And Development Division Toto Ltd.
Watanabe T
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture And Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Watanabe T
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
FUJITA Kazuhisa
ATR Optical and Radio Communications Research Laboratories
Vaccaro P
Atr Adaptive Communications Research Laboratories
Fujiwara Kenzo
Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Tobata-ku, Kitakyushu 804, Japan
Fujiwara Kenzo
Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Tobata-ku, Kitakyushu 804, Japan
- Vanishing of Negative Differential Resistance Region due to Electric Field Screening in Wannier-Stark Localization Type Self-Electro-Optic Effect Devices
- Valence Band Modulation in InGaAs/InAlAs Superlattices with Tensilely Strained Wells Grown on InGaAs Quasi-Substrate on GaAs
- Quantum-Confined Stark Shift Due to Piezoelectric Effect in InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells Growrn on (111)A GaAs
- Vanishing of Negative Differential Resistance Region Due to Electric Field Screening in Wannier-Stark Localization Type Self-Electro-Optic Effect Devices
- Valence Band Modulation in InGaAs/InAlAs Superlattices with Tensilely Strained Wells Grown on InGaAs Quasi-Substrate on GaAs
- Valence Band Modulation in InGaAs/InAlAs Superlattices with Tensilely Strained Wells Grown on InGaAs Quasi-Substrate on GaAs
- Vanishing of Negative Differential Resistance Region due to Electric Field Screening in Wannier-Stark Localization Type Self-Electro-Optic Effect Devices