Miyamoto Katsuhiro | School Of Accountancy Kansai University
Miyamoto Katsuhiro
School Of Accountancy Kansai University
Miyamoto Katsuhiro
School Of Economics University Of Osaka Prefecture
Han Chi
College Of Economics Osaka Prefecture University
- Real Exchange Rate, Trade Balance and Economic Shocks : Evidence from Sino-Japanese Economic Relation
- The International Competitive Power of the East Asian Countries and the USA
- The Stability of Macroeconomy in the Floating Exchange Rate System
- Long-Run Effects of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in IS-LM Analysis(1)
- An Economic Model of State Enterprise under the State Enterprise Law
- A Simple Macroeconomic Model of Soviet-type Economy
- Soviet Enterprise under the Partial Market Mechanism
- China's Economic Growth and Reform
- Monetary and Fiscal Policy in One Macroeconoic Model
- Comparisons of Managerial Behaviors of the Socialist State Firms
- The Recommendable Economic Policies to Improve the Trade Conflict between the U.S.A.and Japan
- A Monopolistic Firm and Ability to Export
- Trade Imbalance and IS-LM Analysis
- Dynamic instability of a command economy
- A Mathematical Model of Kolkhoz
- Planning Without Prices; A Comment