Kishimoto Hideaki | Department Of Orthopedic Surgery Faculty Of Medical Tottori University
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- 同名の論文著者
- Department Of Orthopedic Surgery Faculty Of Medical Tottori Universityの論文著者
Kishimoto Hideaki
Department Of Orthopedic Surgery Faculty Of Medical Tottori University
Department of Orthopedics, San-in Rosai Hospital
Fukunaga Masao
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Kawasaki Medical School
Fukunaga Masao
徳島大学 大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部運動機能外科学
Fujita Masayo
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Kawasaki Medical School
Fukunaga Masao
Department Of Geriatric Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Shintani Masafumi
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Narakenritsu Mimuro Hospital
Shiraki Masataka
Department Of Internal Medicine Research Institute And Practice For Involutional Diseases
Kishimoto Hideaki
Department Of Orthopedic Surgery San-in Rosai Hospital
INOUE Tetsuo
Aoyama General Hospital
- Randomized controlled study on the prevention of osteoporotic fractures (OF study) : a phase IV clinical study of 15-mg menatetrenone capsules
- A comparison of incidences of vertebral fracture in Japanese patients with involutional osteoporosis treated with risedronate and etidronate : a randomized, double-masked trial
- A Placebo-Controlled, Single-Blind Study to Determine the Appropriate Alendronate Dosage in Postmenopausal Japanese Patients with Osteopotosis
- Efficacy and tolerability of once-weekly administration of 17.5mg risedronate in Japanese patients with involutional osteoporosis : a comparison with 2.5-mg once-daily dosage regimen
- Longitudinal change in periprosthetic, peripheral, and axial bone mineral density after total hip arthroplasty
- The change of bone mineral density in secondary osteoporosis and vertebral fracture incidence
- Clinical and experimental studies of quantitative ultrasound measurement in the os calcis : Prevalence and incidence of vertebral fracture
- Design of a pragmatic approach to evaluate the effectiveness of concurrent treatment for the prevention of osteoporotic fractures