Meguro Taiichiro | Cardiovascular Center Sendai Kousei Hospital
Meguro Taichiro
Department of Cardiology Sendai Kosei Hospital
Honda Taku
Cardiovascular center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Mitsuoka Mikio
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Suzuki Kenji
Cardiovascular Center Sendai Kousei Hospital
Nakagawa Manabu
Division of Radiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Inoue Naoto
Department of Cardiology, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital
Honda Taku
Division of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Takizawa Kaname
Division of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Inoue Naoto
Division of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Meguro Taiichiro
Division of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Takizawa Kaname
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Meguro Taiichiro
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Takizawa Kaname
Cardiovascular center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Meguro Taiichiro
Cardiovascular center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Mitsuoka Mikio
Division of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Honda Taku
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Mitsudo Kazuaki
Kurashiki Central Hospital
Suzuki Kenji
Division of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Center, Tsuchiura Kyodo Hospital
Aono Go
Division of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Akiyama Hideyuki
Division of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Itou Yuuko
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Mori Shunpei
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Aono Go
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Onodera Katsunori
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Sakurai Mie
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Kaneko Umihiko
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Musashi Miho
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Inoue Naoto
Cardiovascular center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Ootomo Tatsushi
Cardiovascular center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Mitsuoka Mikio
Cardiovascular center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Ito Yuko
Cardiovascular center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Yoshino Hideaki
Kyorin University Hospital
Nakagawa Yoshihisa
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Shiode Nobuo
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Namura Masanobu
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Yokoi Hiroyoshi
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Kobayashi Takashi
Department Of Cardiology Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital
Takamiya Makoto
Division of Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center
Division of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osak
Hiasa Yoshikazu
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Suzuki Kenji
Department of Cardiology, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital
Nomura Masanori
on behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Suzuki Kenji
Department Of Cardiology Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital
Mori Shunpei
Division of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Ootomo Tatsusi
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Makita Toshio
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Horie Kazunori
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Akiyama Hideyuki
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Mori Shunpei
Cardiovascular center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Kaneko Umihiko
Division of Cardiology, Heart Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Nobuyoshi Masakiyo
Department of Cardiology, Kokura Memorial Hospital
Kudoh T
Department Of Cardiovascular Respiratory And Metabolic Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Kagoshim
Kawato Mitsunori
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Oshima Shigeru
Gunma Prefectural Cardiovascular Center
Sato Sumiko
Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital
Kimura Takeshi
Kyoto University Hospital
Sone Takahito
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Megro Taiichirou
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Miura Akira
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Nakashima Hitoshi
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Nakagawa Yoshihisa
Department Of Cardiology Tenri Hospital
Yokoi Hiroyoshi
Department Of Cardiology Kokura Memorial Hospital
Nobuyoshi Masakiyo
Department Of Cardiology Kokura Memorial Hospital
Nakagawa Yoshihisa
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Muramatsu Toshiya
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Hayashi Yasuhiko
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Ooshima Shigeru
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Miyazaki Shunichi
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Baba Yuji
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Shiode Nobuo
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Nobuyoshi Masakiyo
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Nishikawa Hideo
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Yokoi Yoshiaki
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Honda Takashi
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Meguro Taiichiro
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Namura Masanobu
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Satoh Katsuhiko
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Abe Hideki
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Inoue Naoto
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Yamaguchi Hiroshi
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Saito Shigeru
on behalf of j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Nishino Masami
Osaka Rosai Hospital Division Of Cardiology
Kida Mitsugu
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Nosaka Hideyuki
Behalf Of The J-cypher Registry Investigators
Matsumori Akira
同志社大学 生命医科学部
Matsumori Akira
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Matsumori Akira
岡山大学 循環器内科
Matsumori A
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kaitani Kazuaki
Behalf Of The J-cypher Registry Investigators
Mitsudo Kazuaki
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Kyoto University
Kawai Kazuya
on behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Nishino Masami
Department Of Cardiology Kokura Memorial Hospital
Kawato Mitsunori
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Kyoto University
Ohtomo Tatsushi
Division of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Uemura Naoki
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Matsumoto Takasi
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Nakagawa Manabu
Department of Radiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Onodera Katsunori
Division of Cardiology, Heart Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Sakurai Mie
Division of Cardiology, Heart Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Matsumoto Takashi
Cardiovascular center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Nakagawa Manabu
Radiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Takamiya Makoto
Radiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Department of Cardiology, The University of Tokyo
Kimura Takeshi
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital
Kudoh Takashi
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Kyoto University Faculty Of Medicine
Nakagawa Yoshihisa
Department of Cardiology, Tenri Hospital
Miyamoto Tadashi
Department Of Cardiology Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki Hospital
Mitsudo Kazuaki
Department Of Cardiology Himeji Cardiovascular Center
Oshima S
Department Of Cardiology Gunma Prefectural Cardiovascular Center
Soga Yoshimitsu
Department of Cardiology, Kokura Memorial Hospital
Sakai Koyu
Department of Cardiology, Kokura Memorial Hospital
Yokoi Hiroyoshi
Department of Cardiology, Kokura Memorial Hospital
Nobuyoshi Masakiyo
Kokura Memorial Hospital
Hiramatsu Shinichi
Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital
Kazatani Yukio
Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital
Kimura Takeshi
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Morimoto Takeshi
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Okamoto Takako
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Maeda Sachiko
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Hanazawa Miya
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Takinami Emi
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Ota Etsuo
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Nakanoue Taisuke
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Sakamoto Masahiko
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Uchida Yuriko
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Hayashi Yasuhiko
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Muramatsu Toshiya
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Kikuchi Tadashi
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Hiasa Yoshikazu
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Kawamura Jun
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Nobuyoshi Masakiyo
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Ooshima Shigeru
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Nishikawa Hideo
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Honnda Takashi
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Take Shunsuke
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Kawai Kazuya
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Nozaki Youichi
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Tanaka Masashi
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Haze Kazuo
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Yokoi Yoshiaki
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Kazatani Yukio
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Toyoshima Shinnichirou
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Tatami Ryouzou
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Isshiki Takaaki
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Saito Shigeru
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Fujita Hiroshi
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Murata Yoshiharu
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Saku Kenjirou
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Matsuzaki Masunori
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Kawasaki Tomohiro
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Haruta Seiichi
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Nakamura Natsuki
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Doi Osamu
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Mitsudou Kazuaki
behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Sakurada Masami
Tokorozawa Heart clinic
Haruna Yoshisumi
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Medicine Hirakata Kohsai Hospital
Takahashi Masao
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Yasumoto Hitoshi
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Nanto Shinsuke
Osaka Acute Coronary Insufficiency Study (OACIS) Group
Uematsu Masaaki
Cardiovascular Center Kansai Rosai Hospital
Soga Yoshimitsu
Department Of Cardiology Kokura Memorial Hospital
Uemats Masaaki
The Cardiovascular Division Osaka Police Hospital
Uematsu Masaaki
大阪大学 第1内科
Yokoi Hiroyoshi
Kokura Memorial Hospital
Sakai Koyu
Department Of Cardiology Kokura Memorial Hospital
Nakano Susumu
Department Of Advanced Cardiovascular Therapeutics Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nanto Shinsuke
日本大学 医学部循環器内科学分野
Nanto Shinsuke
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nanto Shinsuke
千里病院 循環器
ABE Kazuo
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Division of Heart Institute, Sendai Kosei Hospital
Nosaka Hideyuki
Department Of Cardiology Kokura Memorial Hospital
Nosaka Hideyuki
Department Of Cardiovascular Division Kokura Kinen Hospital
Toranomon Hospital
Takahashi Masao
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine University Of Tokyo
MEGURO Taiichiro
Sendai Public Welfare Hospital
Suzuki Takeshi
Department of Internal Medicine, Nippon Medical School
Mitsui M
Department Of Pediatrics And Child Health Nihon University School Of Medicine
Uematsu Masaaki
Kansai Rosai Hospital
Kanmatsuse Katsuo
Department of Cardiology, Nihon University Surugadai Hospital
Hosoda Saichi
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Toranomon Hospital
Yoshino Hideaki
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Kyorin University School Of Medicine
Yamaguchi Tetsu
Department Of Cardiology Toranomon Hospital
Hosoda Saichi
Department Of Cardiology The Heart Institute Of Japan Tokyo Women's Medical College
Hosoda Saichi
Department Of Cardiology Sakakibara Heart Institute
Nakashima Hitoshi
National Hospital Organization Kagoshima Medical Center (1st Department Of Cardiology)
Hayashi Yasuhiko
Tsuchiya General Hospital
Sasayama S
Department Of Life And Medical Science Doshisha University Kyotanabe & Daijukai Hospital
Matsubara Mitsunobu
Department Of Medicine And Clinical Science Yamaguchi University Graduate School Of Medicine
Miyahara Mitsuo
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine Sapporo Medical College
Kita Toru
National Hospital Organization And Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine
Saku Keijiro
on behalf of the j-Cypher Registry Investigators
Yamaguchi Tetsu
Department Of Cardiology Mie University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hamazaki Yasuzumi
Department of Cardiovasucular Surgery, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Matusmoto Takasi
Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Yaginuma Genya
Department of Cardiovasucular Surgery, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Horie Kazunori
Division of Cardiology, Heart Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Makita Toshio
Division of Cardiology, Heart Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Musashi Miho
Division of Cardiology, Heart Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Uemura Naoki
Division of Cardiology, Heart Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Otomo Tatsushi
Division of Cardiology, Heart Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
- 6 Final One-year Result From The j-cypher Registry(Late Breaking Clinical Trials II,Special Program,The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- FRS-022 Six-month Outcome of Sirolimus-eluting Stent with Ticlopidine Anti-platelet Regimen; Preliminary Analysis from the J-Cypher Registry(New PCI-1 (IHD) FRS5,Featured Research Session,The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circ
- PJ-806 Assessment of Coronary Artery Stent by 320-Multidetector-Row Computed Tomography(PJ135,CT/MRI (Coronary/Vascular) 2 (I),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-736 Renal Dysfunction is a Predictor for In-hospital Mortality of Patients with Acute Aortic Dissection(PJ124,Peripheral Cirulation/Vascular Disease (Therapy) 4 (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulatio
- PJ-622 320-row Area Detector Computed Tomography for Quantification of Severity in Patients with Aortic Valve Stenosis(PJ104,CT/MRI (Myocardium) 3 (I),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-604 Efficacy and Limitation of Excimer Laser Atherectomy for Peripheral Arterial Disease Patients(PJ101,Peripheral Circulation/Vascular Disease (Therapy) 3 (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Soc
- PJ-385 Effectiveness of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients Aged 85/>85 Years with Acute Myocardial Infarction(PJ065,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Treatment) 3 (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation S
- PJ-125 Clinical Outcomes of Drug Eluting Stent following Rotational Atherectomy Compared with Bare Metal Stent and POBA(PJ021,Coronary Revascularization, PCI (Complex Lesions) (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japan
- PE-418 Assessment of Myocardial Perfusion after Acute Myocardial Infarction by 320-Multidetector-Row Computed Tomography(PE070,CT/MRI (Myocardium) (I),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-035 320-slice Multidetector Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography in Real World(OJ06,CT/MRI (Coronary/Vascular) (I),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-248 The Effect of Lumen Computed Tomography Density on Plaque Density : 320-slice Multidetector Computed Tomography Assessment(OE42,CT/MRI (Coronary/Vascular) 2 (I),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulat
- OE-159 Early Experience of 320-Multidetector-Row Computed Tomography to Evaluate Coronary Artery Flow Dynamics(OE27,CT/MRI (Coronary/Vascular) 1 (I),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- 4 Efficacy and Limitation of Excimer Laser Atherectomy : Femoropopliteal to Below Knee(Current Status and Future Perspective of Peripheral Catheter Intervention,Roundtable Discussion 6 (RT-6) (H),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulat
- Efficacy of Abciximab for Patients Undergoing Balloon Angioplasty : Data From Japanese Evaluation of c7E3 Fab for Elective and Primary PCI Organization in Randomized Trial (JEPPORT)(Ischemic Heart Disease)
- 3 Do You Perform PCI in the Significant Stenosis without Ischemic Evidence? Pro(Indication of PCI for Significant Coronary Artery Stenosis without Objective Evidence of Myocardial Ischemia,Controversy 1 (C-1) (IHD),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of Th
- PJ-380 Acute myocardial infarction of the patients older than 90 years old(Acute myocardial infarction, clinical(diagnosis/treatment)(10)(IHD),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-261 Comparison of Long Term Clinical Outcomes of DES Era and Pre-DES Era under the Selective DES Use Strategy(Coronary revascularization, PCI(19)(IHD),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-300 Effectiveness of Bare Metal Stents in Large (More Than 3.5mm) Coronary Arteries (Compared with Drug Eluting Stents)(Coronary revascularization,PCI(12)(IHD),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Socie
- PE-056 The clinical outcomes of 2.50mm Sirolimus-Eluting Stent compared with Bare Metal Stent in small coronary artery.(Coronary revascularization, PCI(08)(IHD),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society
- PE-143 The First Use of Drug-Eluting Stent with Biodegradable Polymer Coating for Japanese Patients.(Coronary Revascularization, PTCA/Stent/DCA/Rotablator/New Device 8 (IHD) : PE25)(Poster Session (English))
- Long-Term Results of the S.M.A.R.T. Control^ Stent for Superficial Femoral Artery Lesions, J-SMART Registry
- Stent Based Delivery of Everolimus Significantly Inhibits Neointimal Hyperplasia in an Experimental Porcine Coronary Model
- Incidence and outcome of surgical procedures after sirolimuseluting stent implantation : a report from the j-Cypher registry