Lee Myung | College Of Pharmacy Seoul National University
LEE Myung
College of Pharmacy, Chungbuk National University
Lee Myung
College Of Pharmacy Seoul National University
Lee Myung
College Of Pharmacy And Research Center For Bioresource And Health Chungbuk National University
Kim So
College Of Pharmacy Seoul National University
YANG Junnick
Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.
Yang Junnick
Research Laboratories Dong-a Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.
LEE Myung
College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University
Kim Won
Research Laboratories Dong-a Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.
Lee Jong
Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University
Choi Hyun-cheol
Yuhan Research Center Yuhan Corporation
Kwon Jong
Research Institutes Dong-a Pharmaceutical Company
Kwon Jong
Research Laboratories Dong-a Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.
Shim Hyun
Research Laboratories Dong-a Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.
LEE Sang
Research Institute and Hospital, National Cancer Center
LEE Jong
Yuhan Research Center, Yuhan Co., Ltd.
College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University
YOO Joong-Keun
Yuhan Research Center, Yuhan Corporation
Han Kye
College Of Pharmacy Seoul National University
Lee Jong
Research Institute Of Chemical Technology
Lee Sang
Research Laboratories Dong-a Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.
Yoo Joong-keun
Yuhan Research Center Yuhan Corporation
Lee Jong
Yuhan Research Center Yuhan Corporation
Lee Jong
Yuhan Research Center Yuhan Co. Ltd.
Lee Jong
Research Laboratories Dong-a Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.
Lee Sang
Research Institute And Hospital National Cancer Center
- Determination of a new non-narcotic analgesic, DA-5018, in plasma, urine and bile by high-performance liquid chromatography
- Determination of a new proton pump inhibitor, YH1885, in human plasma and urine by high-performance liquid chromatography
- Determination of a new carbapenem derivative, DA-1131, in plasma and urine by high-performance liquid chromatography