Nakahara Tadaki | Department Of Radiology Keio University School Of Medicine
Nakahara Tadaki
Department Of Radiology Keio University School Of Medicine
Nakahara Tadaki
Division Of Nuclear Medicine Chiba Cancer Center
Kubo Atsushi
Department Of Radiology Keio University School Of Medicine
Kubo Atsushi
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biochemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Keio University
Department of Diagnostic Imaging, School of Medicine, Keio University
久保 敦司
慶応義塾大学 医学部外科学教室
Kubo A
Department Of Radiology Keio University School Of Medicine
Kubo Atsushi
慶応義塾大学 医学部放射線科学
Kubo Atsushi
東京都立清瀬小児病院 放射線科
- Comparison of image reconstruction algorithms in myocardial perfusion scintigraphy
- Development of an ultra-high resolution SPECT system with a CdTe semiconductor detector
- Application of Support Vector Machine Classifiers to Preoperative Risk Stratification With Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy
- Scatter correction based on an artificial neural network for ^Tc and ^I dual-isotope SPECT in myocardial and brain imaging
- Biodistribution of immunoliposome labeled with Tc-99m in tumor xenografted mice
- Stereoscopic Scintigraphic Imaging of Breast Cancer Sentinel Lymph Nodes
- Lymphoscintigraphy for the Visualization of Sentinel Lymph Nodes and Body Contour
- Outlining the body contours with scattered photons in lymphoscintigraphy for sentinel nodes
- Preoperative Risk Stratification With Myocardial Perfusion Imaging in Intermediate and Low-Risk Non-Cardiac Surgery
- Inexplicable suppression of hepatic uptake of gallium-67, a case report