Shibata Satoshi | Department Of Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
Shibata S
Akita Univ. School Of Medicine Akita Jpn
Shibata Satoshi
Department Of Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
Shibata S
Department Of Cell Biology And Neuroscience Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka University
Shibata Satoshi
Department Of Ergonomics School Of Eng. Chiba University
Shibata Satoshi
Graduate School Of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University
Department of Plant Physiology, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
Shibata Satoshi
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Graduate School Of Agriculture And Agricultural Life Scie
Sato T
Department Of Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
Department of Surgery, Akita University School of Medicine
Department of Surgery, Akita University School of Medicine
- Management of pancreatic mass accompanying chronic pancreatitis
- Sex allocation of a cosexual wind-pollinated tree, Quercus dentata, in terms of four currencies
- Observation Study on Natural Walking in the Tokyo Metropolitan
- Role of positron emission tomography with 2-deoxy-2-[^F]fluoro-D-glucose in evaluating the effects of arterial infusion chemotherapy and radiotherapy on pancreatic cancer
- Positron emission tomography with 2-deoxy-2-[^F] fluoro-D-glucose for diagnosis of intraductal papillary mucinous tumor of the pancreas with parenchymal invasion
- A chromodomain-containing nuclear protein, MRG15 is expressed as a novel type of dendritic mRNA in neurons
- Bovine Liver Chromatin Fraction Contains Actin Polymerization Activity Inducing Micronuclei Formation when Injected into Prometaphase Cultured Cells
- Laparoscopic right hemihepatectomy for a case of polycystic liver disease with right predominance
- Resection of a Solitary Pancreatic Metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma with a Gallbladder Carcinoma : Report of a Case
- Within-tree variation in density and survival of leafminers on oak Quercus dentata