Ito Mitsuru | First Depatment Of Medicine Osaka Medical College
First Depatment Of Medicine Osaka Medical College | 論文
- Serum Concentrations of Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) in Antithyroid Drug-Induced Agranulocytosis
- Estrogen Supplementation for Bone Dematuration in Young Epileptic Man Treated with Anticonvulsant Therapy: A Case Report
- Body Height and Weight of Patients with Childhood Onset and Adult Onset Thyrotoxicosis
- Cryofibrinogenemia with Polyarthralgia, Raynaud's Phenomenon and Acral Ulcer in a Patient with Graves' Disease Treated with Methimazole
- Defective Response of Body Height to Growth Hormone Treatment in Resistance to Thyroid Hormone with Short Stature