茂田 士郎 | o Minophagen Pharmaceutical Co.,
茂田 士郎
森 武雄
Research Laboratory, Minophagen Pharmaceutical Co.,
岩田 進
Research Laboratory Minophagen Pharmaceutical Co.
柴田 承二
Shibata Laboratory Of Natural Medicinal Materials C
伊藤 正彦
Department Of Microbiology Yamanashi Medical University
柴田 承二
Department of Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy, Meiji College of Pharmacy
成井 孝雄
Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Meiji College of Pharmacy
平林 一広
Resaerch Laboratory, Minophagen Phamaceutical Co.,
岩田 進
o Minophagen Pharmaceutical Co.,
伊藤 正彦
Resaerch Laboratory, Minophagen Phamaceutical Co.,