Karppinen Maarit | Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Karppinen Maarit
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Materials and Structures Laboratory
Karppinen Maarit
Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Yamauchi Hisao
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Materials And Structures Laboratory
Yamauchi Hisao
Tokyo Inst. Of Tech.
Yamauchi Hisao
Materials And Structures Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Yamauchi Hisao
Materials And Structures Laboratory
Yamauchi Hisao
Material And Structures Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Grigoraviciute Inga
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Materials and Structures Laboratory
Karppinen Maarit
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Materials And Structures Laboratory
Grigoraviciute Inga
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Materials And Structures Laboratory
- 24aZR-4 High-T_c, superconductivity in the (Cu, Mo)Sr_2(Ce,Y)_sCu_2O_ (s=1-4) series with multiple fluorite-structured layers between adjacent CuO_2 planes
- 12pZA-2 Redox characteristics of water-intercalation processes in layered oxides(English Session)
- 12pZA-2 Redox characteristics of water-intercalation processes in layered oxides(English Session)