YAMADA Hidenori | Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
YAMADA Hidenori
Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Yamada Hidenori
Department Of Bioengineering Science Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University
Yamada Hidenori
Department oe Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyashu University
SENO Masaharu
Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Seno Masaharu
Department Of Bioengineering Science Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University
FUTAMI Junichiro
Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
TADA Hiroko
Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Scien
Yamada H
Breast Center
Tada Hiroko
Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Graduate School Of Natural Science
Seno M
Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Graduate School Of Natural Science
- Molecular Targeting for Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Expressed on Breast Cancer Cells by Human Fusion Protein
- Intracellular Delivery of Glutathione S-transferase-fused Proteins into Mammalian Cells by Polyethylenimine-Glutathione Conjugates
- Protein Transduction Assisted by Polyethylenimine-Cationized Carrier Proteins
- Intracellular Delivery of Proteins into Mammalian Living Cells by Polyethylenimine-Cationization
- Evaluation of risk factors for dental caries from 6 to 8 years old children
- Stabilization of Lysozyme against Irreversible Inactivation by Suppression of Chemical Reactions
- Effects of Additives on Irreversible Inactivation of Lysozyme at Neutral pH and 100℃
- Anti-tumor effect in an in vivo model by human-derived pancreatic RNase with basic fibroblast growth factor insertional fusion protein through antiangiogenic properties
- RNase 3(ECP) Is an Extraordinarily Stable Protein among Human Pancreatic-Type RNases
- Transient Cell Proliferation with Polyethylenimine-Cationized N-Terminal Domain of Simian Virus 40 Large T-Antigen(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)